
    OPPO appeared at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference with the results of sustainable development actions

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yoga

    December 8, 2023, Dubai - The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) is being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. This year, OPPO was invited to participate in the "COP28 Leadership Series"( COP28 Leadership Interview )”The interview invited business leaders and pioneers in many fields around the world to share the achievements of enterprises on the road to sustainable development. As the exclusive representative of the telecommunications industry, OPPO shared its experience in promoting sustainable development through scientific and technological innovation. In addition, OPPO, together with Bluecrystal Microorganism, one of the global winning teams of "Smile Proposal" in 2023, demonstrated its innovative material solutions that can replace traditional plastics in the COP28 exhibition area.

    "Scientific and technological innovation is crucial to climate change", said Liao Jinsong, president of OPPO Research Institute. "OPPO will continue to invest in the field of sustainable development and actively explore more green technologies that can be applied to products and production. In addition, sustainable development needs the joint efforts of more relevant parties. OPPO will maintain an open attitude and invite more partners to jointly promote the process of sustainable development. "

     OPPO appeared at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference with the results of sustainable development actions

    Liao Jinsong, President of OPPO Research Institute, participated in a series of interviews on COP28 leadership

    Explore more green and environmentally friendly product innovation

    For a long time, from the selection of raw materials, product use to product recycling, OPPO has integrated the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development into product life cycle management. In 2023, OPPO promises to achieve carbon neutrality in its own operations by 2050. To make mobile phone The product is more durable. The battery health engine technology developed by OPPO is based on OPPO 80W SuperVOOC flash charging technology. After 1600 cycles of charging, the remaining effective capacity of the battery is still up to 80%, effectively extending the average service life of the smartphone battery. OPPO was listed on the list of "Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Asia Pacific in 2023" released by FastCompany, the world's top business magazine.

    At the same time, OPPO also explores interesting user interaction ways to convey environmental protection concepts to users. The function of "Carbon Footprint Public Welfare Information Screen" has been added to the recently launched ColorOS 14 rest screen animation. The carbon footprint information screen has three built-in theme styles. The color of the earth, forest and other animations can change in real time according to the dynamic number of users' steps. Users can clearly and intuitively see the carbon dioxide emissions reduced by walking and cycling.

     OPPO appeared at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference with the results of sustainable development actions

    ColorOS 14 "carbon footprint public welfare information screen" function

    Global stage enabling "OPPO Smile Proposal" winning team

    In addition to product design and low-carbon production and operation, OPPO also joined hands with like-minded ecological partners to tackle climate change. The Smile Proposal is a scientific innovation empowerment platform launched by OPPO Research Institute, which aims to collect and empower innovative solutions for global scientific and technological innovators and entrepreneurs. In 2023, OPPO added a special "green future" topic in the "Smile Proposal", which aims to focus on forward-looking solutions in the fields of environmental protection and low-carbon development, including new energy, new materials, and environmental protection packaging.

    Among these green technologies, biotech start-up Bluepha has developed biodegradable natural organic polymers to replace the use of plastics in packaging and more application scenarios. Through cooperation with OPPO, Bluepha explored the application of this material in mobile phone packaging and accessories (such as mobile phone case) and other scenarios. OPPO invited the Bluecrystal Microbial Team to the COP28 Conference to present the new methods of sustainable development to global visitors. In addition, as the representative of the winning team of OPPO Smile Proposal, Bluecrystal Microorganism also attended the round table forum of "Innovative Climate Solutions for Chinese Enterprises" held by "Biosphere 3", sharing its mission, practice and vision in addressing the climate crisis.

     OPPO appeared at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference with the results of sustainable development actions

    Bluepha demonstrated its environmental protection technology in the COP28 exhibition area

     OPPO appeared at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference with the results of sustainable development actions

    Yu Chaoyang, Marketing Director of Bluecrystal Microorganism, shared innovative technology at the round table forum

    In the future, OPPO will continue to practice the concept of low-carbon environmental protection, explore more leading green technologies, provide more intelligent and environmentally friendly technologies and products for global users, and work together with partners to promote sustainable development.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: OPPO appeared at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference with the results of sustainable development actions true report two thousand five hundred and twenty-six December 8, 2023, Dubai - The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) is being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. This year, OPPO was invited to participate in the "COP28 Leadership Interview", which invited business leaders and pioneers in many fields around the world to share their experiences in the field of
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