
    vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Aku

    vivo X100 It has been released for some time, and there are still many private messages from friends in the background. I want to know about this mobile phone How about taking pictures?

    In fact, among the 4000 price range products, X100's image strength is beyond doubt. Even compared with some Pro version image flagship, X100 is no inferior. First of all, from the hardware point of view, in addition to the dual core image core composed of Tianji 9300 and self-developed image chip V3, its main camera uses a customized 50 million pixel IMX920 ultra sensitive VCS bionic sensor, the ultra wide angle is Samsung JN1, and the long focus is upgraded to the same X90 Pro+big bottom periscope lens OV64B.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?

    This lens combination can be regarded as the ceiling of the standard version flagship in 2024. If your budget is limited and you have high requirements for image performance, the vivo X100 can undoubtedly meet your image needs.

    In terms of algorithm, the vivo X100 has also improved significantly. This time, it has also brought a series of innovative experiences such as full focus portrait shooting, movie moving image video, long focus hanging sun, long focus macro, etc., making users more convenient and free when shooting, and also bringing more creativity and fun. In addition, the vivo X100 supports a variety of different color styles. In addition to Zeiss natural colors and texture colors, a bright color mode has been added this time. The color saturation will be higher, and the painting style is very pleasing.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    From left to right: texture, Zeiss nature, bright colors

    Of course, after all this talk, I believe you can't directly experience the photographic performance of the vivo X100. Therefore, when taking photos recently, the author also brought another image flagship—— Xiaomi 14 Pro Next, we will compare some scenes to show you the difference between the two.

    It should be noted that the comparison results are more reflected in the stylization of the samples because they are all at the level of image flagship. As for which photo is better, it depends on everyone's preference.

    (Color mode: vivo X100 bright colors, Xiaomi 14 Pro Leica Vivid)

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    Main photo proof sheet

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    Main photo proof sheet

    Although the weather is good and the light is good, there is actually some backlight when shooting these two groups of samples, so we can see that the edges of the picture are more or less exposed. On the whole, Xiaomi 14 Pro is better at controlling the exposure at the edge of the picture, but when it comes to the center of the picture, the vivo X100 picture is better.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    Main photo proof sheet

    In terms of picture quality, the two are similar. After all, they are both mobile phones that are good at images, and there is almost no obvious difference between them.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    Ultra wide angle proof sheet

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    Ultra wide angle proof sheet

    The ultra wide angle lens can capture a wider field of vision, making the buildings photographed taller and more spatial. The super wide angle of Xiaomi and vivo are different in color and perspective. Xiaomi 14 Pro will be a little wider.

    Next is the telephoto. Due to the addition of periscope telephoto, the effect of the vivo X100 has changed immediately when shooting telephoto samples.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    2X long focus proof sheet

    This group was shot under the 2X focal section. Two times of the two images were cut by the main camera, and the picture quality is still close. The vivo X100 picture is slightly warm, and the Xiaomi 14 Pro picture style is more cold.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    3X (3.2X) telephoto proof sheet

    In terms of 3X focal section (Xiaomi 14 Pro 3.2X), the definition is still similar.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    5X telephoto proof sheet

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?
    10X telephoto proof sheet

    In terms of 5X and 10X, the performance of both is good, but despite the "vivid color mode", the Xiaomi 14 Pro Leica is more vivid than the vivo X100 in terms of brightness and contrast. This is actually an algorithm strategy. Which one is better?

    Finally, let's see the difference between the two. The vivo X100 brings a telephoto sun hanging function this time. In combination with the super bottom telephoto+the new OIS anti shake system+the new algorithm+ZEISS optical technology, the vivo X100 will automatically trigger this function in the 10X focal section. In short, the vivo X100 has made targeted optimization for shooting sunrise, sunset and other scenes, so that users can easily take beautiful photos instead of looking at the "sun" in the face of beautiful sunrise and sunset.

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?

     vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun?

    Keep looking at the actual combat. The effect of shooting the sun can be seen at a glance. Obviously, the vivo X100 will be better. The main reason is that the sun contour is clearer, there is not too much glare, and it is easier to shoot the effect.


    In general, the performance of vivo X100 in photographing is impressive, not only in hardware configuration, but also in algorithm. In the price range of 4000 gears, the vivo X100 is not inferior to other image flagship. If you have high requirements for photographic effect but limited budget, the vivo X100 is definitely a choice worth considering. It not only allows users to easily shoot high-quality photos and videos, but also has many innovative functions and play methods, which can make shooting more interesting and diversified. Whether you are a photographer or a professional photographer, the vivo X100 can easily grasp multiple scenes.

    The vivo X100 supports a variety of different color styles. In addition to Zeiss natural color, it also includes the texture color of vivo's debut on the X90s. The texture color has a lower lightness and slightly higher saturation, which is suitable for shooting some scenes with strong light and dark contrast.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: vivo X100、 Xiaomi 14 Pro takes photos. Is there such a big gap between taking photos of the sun? true report three thousand two hundred and seventy-six The vivo X100 has been released for some time, and there are still many private letters from friends in the background. How about taking photos with this mobile phone? In fact, among the 4000 price range products, X100's image strength is beyond doubt. Even compared with some Pro version image flagship, X100 is no inferior. First of all, in terms of hardware, in addition to the dual core image core composed of Tianji 9300 and self-developed image chip V3
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