
    The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    A few years ago, performance tests were carried out. Many bloggers used Collapse III to test. In recent years, the original god was very popular mobile phone With further requirements for its performance, the original spirit has become a mandatory item for testing. What mobile phone can conquer the original god? Here are three flagship phones with strong performance.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    As the latest flagship SoC of Qualcomm platform, the third-generation Snapdragon 8 adopts a 4nm process and a full 64 bit architecture of 1+5+2. Officially, compared with the previous generation CPU, the overall performance is improved by 30%, the energy efficiency is improved by 20%, and the overall SoC energy consumption is reduced by 10%. According to our previous experience tests, this Snapdragon 8Gen3 performs well in terms of performance and power consumption, which is another magic U.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    adopt Angora rabbit According to the test results of 3D Mark Wild Life Extreme, compared with the flagship model equipped with Snapdragon 8Gen2, there are about 40% and 25% improvements respectively.

    OO brings more perfect performance experience to flagship series products by carrying V series self-developed chips. However, because it is not developed independently for iQOO products, the optimization of game performance is not so extreme. And this time iQOO 12 Pro On, iQOO welcomed its own self-developed e-sports chip, which was named Q1.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    According to the official introduction, Q1 broke through the limitation of mobile terminal graphics processing through the self-developed E-sports engine technology. Specifically, it not only realizes the true low latency frame insertion, but also realizes the industry's first in game super division and frame insertion concurrency technology capabilities. This means that we are using iQOO 12 When Pro plays games, it can get a dual experience of higher frame rate and high image quality.

    We also chose the original god to test the game performance. In terms of game parameters, we will fill the configuration:

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    The iQOO 12 Pro's performance was quite stable in the 15 minute running map benchmark test of Original Spirit, which was stable at 60 frames.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    Of course, such achievements can also be achieved on previous iQOO mobile phones. What's the point of iQOO 12 Pro? This is about to mention the E-sports engine technology of self-developed E-sports chip Q1. With the help of iQOO self developed super segmentation algorithm, the picture definition can be improved, and the character scene can be more detailed and clearer. In terms of the game "Original God", there are three kinds of super sub mode options, namely, original image quality: 720P, high image quality: 900P, and ultra-high image quality: 2K.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    Alas, this has forced us to take out the unique skill of iQOO - game superframe technology. Although the 8Gen3 flagship next door can also play 2K Protoss, the frame rate of the game can only be kept at 30 frames, which is obviously unacceptable to friends who are accustomed to 60 frames of the game. The iQOO 12 Pro uses the "frame insertion" technology to supplement the original 30 frame game to 60 frames, thus bringing a dual experience of high frame rate and high image quality.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    From the game frame rate test curve, the iQOO 12 Pro keeps at 30 frames in the whole process, and the actual experience after converting to frame insertion is 60 frames in the whole process. In addition, we also captured the resolution of the game screen at three locations in the early, middle and late stages of the game, and the whole process was stable at 2K picture quality.

    In addition to the high frame and high quality experience of the original god, iQOO 12 Pro also brought the first launch of the full map ray tracing of the breakthrough in the dark area, the skill vibration adaptation of 69 characters of the original god, ultra-low touch delay, four network concurrency, and dual cellular download , no network loopback and other technologies. To sum up, iQOO 12 Pro's comprehensive game experience is still in an advantageous position in the industry, playing games Ultra high image quality: 2K This is the right choice.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    As the latest masterpiece of the vivo X series, the vivo X100 series has been comprehensively upgraded in performance. First, it carries the recently popular flagship chip Tianji 9300. Tianji 9300 adopts an 8-core full core design, and its CPU consists of one 3.25GHz Cortex-X4 core, three 2.85GHz Cortex-X4 cores, and four 2.0GHz A720 cores, The GPU uses Immortalis-G720 MC12. In addition, it is equipped with MediaTek's seventh generation AI processor APU 790, which is specially designed for generative AI. The performance of integer and floating point operations is twice higher than that of the previous generation.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    In general, the performance of the Tianji 9300 has been greatly improved, but its power consumption has decreased rather than increased. In addition, the support for generative AI has made it a flagship core that has attracted much attention in the Android flagship market this year.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    It is worth mentioning that in terms of memory, the new LPDDR5T flash memory is also launched by X100 (only supported by the 16GB+1TB version). It is based on such a new set of performance combinations that X100 ushered in a great leap in performance. In the benchmark run point test, the combined run points of the vivo X100 rabbit V10 at room temperature (about 25 ℃) exceeded 2.2 million, and the 3D Mark Extreme, which highlights the GPU graphics performance, also reached 5518, reaching the level of the first echelon.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    When high quality+60 frames are enabled, the average frame rate of the vivo X100 reaches 59 frames in the 15 minute game. Player friends should understand that as a high quality mobile game, the demand for mobile phone performance is relatively high. X100 can play this game freely, so it is very easy to deal with other mobile games. In fact, under the same test environment, it is very good that the previous generation flagship model can maintain about 55 frames. It can be seen that the performance and experience of the vivo X100 are quite powerful.

    As an e-sports mobile phone, the performance configuration of Red Devil 8S Pro+is naturally the current ceiling level. The Red Devil 8S Pro+is equipped with the performance iron triangle composed of the second generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform leading version+full blood version LPDDR5X+UFS4.0. The processor frequency is further improved, providing a stronger performance foundation for the game experience.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    The Red Devil 8S Pro+also carries the Red Devil self-developed game core: Red Devil R2. This chip can improve the user's game control experience, support the rich customization of shoulder keys, vibration, light effects, and sound effects, and intelligent scene recognition algorithms. It can also efficiently realize the linkage of several control links, improve the synergy of multiple control links, and bring more immersive effects to players, Realize the magic sense control of sound, light, shock and touch.

    In the actual measurement, when the cooling fan was turned on, Red Devil 8S Pro+scored 1701863 points in the rabbit V10 test, and 3901 points in the 3DMarkWild Life EXTREME test. Its performance was quite eye-catching, and its overall performance test score was the ceiling level of current Android flagship phones.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    In the game measurement, we directly selected the original god and the collapse: the star vault railway, which currently have high requirements for mobile phone performance, for testing.

    In the heavy load test of the Original God, we set the image quality option to extremely high image quality+60 frames, and the test scene is run map. The measured average frame rate of the Red Devil 8S Pro+with the cooling fan mode turned on is 60.4 frames. Except for the scene of map switching, it is almost a full frame line.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    In the test of Collapse: Star Dome Railway, we set the image quality option to extreme image quality+extremely high frame rate. The test scene is the central map of Luofu Xianzhou Xingcha Sea. The measured average frame rate of Red Devil 8S Pro+is 60 frames, reaching the top level of e-sports mobile phones.

     The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended

    In terms of heat dissipation, Red Devil 8S Pro+is equipped with ICE12 magic cooling heat dissipation system, which is composed of 3D ice stage dual pump VC+shark fin high-speed centrifugal fan+full penetration air duct+full screen graphene heat dissipation material+multiple heat dissipation materials, realizing the heat dissipation capacity beyond ordinary mobile phones.


    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The frame rate of playing the original god is stabilized into one line, and three flagship performance mobile phones are recommended true report four thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven A few years ago, performance tests were conducted, and many bloggers used Collapse III for tests. In recent years, the Great Fire of the Original God has further requirements on the performance of mobile phones, and the Original God has become a mandatory test item. What mobile phone can conquer the original god? Here are three flagship phones with strong performance. 1iQOO12 Pro, the third generation Snapdragon 8, as the latest flagship SoC of Qualcomm platform, adopts
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