
    Detailed explanation of Xiaomi's surging OS, the first launch of Xiaomi 14

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    On October 17, Xiaomi Lei Jun officially announced the retirement of MIUI. Xiaomi will start a new operating system called Xiaomi HyperOS.

     Detailed explanation of Xiaomi's surging OS, the first launch of Xiaomi 14

    Xiaomi will enable a new operating system, Xiaomi HyperOS. For Xiaomi, this is an epoch-making milestone and a key leap towards "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".
    At this moment, my heart was very excited.
    13 years ago, on August 16, 2010, Xiaomi's first product MIUI was officially born. In 13 years, from a few engineers to four or five thousand Software Team; From the original "100 dream sponsors" to 1.175 billion cumulative users worldwide; From the first version, which has only four common functions, to the underlying deep framework of cross end interconnection; Making friends with users and making the most user-friendly system experience has always been the constant pursuit of MIUI. Now, it is time to make a leap. Xiaomi has more than intelligence mobile phone There is also a huge intelligent ecology across more than 200 categories, and the "whole ecology of people, cars and homes" is about to complete the closed-loop. In the era of the Internet of Everything, the complexity and large number of operating system branches involved in various devices, and the ecological connection gap between different systems and protocols may exceed many people's imagination.

    Xiaomi Pengpai OS came into being. We have been preparing for it for a long time. In 2014, since IoT business began to take shape, we started exploratory development and verification. In 2017, the research and development of a new system was officially launched, and a set of integrated system framework was used to uniformly support the whole ecological equipment and applications, which is our pursuit.

    Today, we are taking a solid and critical step: Xiaomi's surging OS was officially born, and "people centered, creating a full ecological operating system for people and cars". It is based on the deep evolution of Android and the self developed Vela system integration, completely rewriting the underlying architecture, and making a public base for the interconnection of everything for the future 10 billion devices and 10 billion connections. This is a super huge engineering system, so our engineers named it Xiaomi HyperOS in English. The first device equipped with Xiaomi Pengpai OS will bring "leapfrog upgrade" Xiaomi 14

    From today on, we will say goodbye to MIUI step by step!

    Thank you all for supporting MIUI. MIUI will remain in our memory forever.

    According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi Pengpai OS adheres to the new concept of "full ecology of people, cars and homes", covering mobile phones, home appliances and cars, which makes it the first all-weather all-scene OS in the world. Xiaomi Pengpai OS is based on Android, Magic Android, and the self-developed subsystem is responsible for the interconnection of all things.

    Pengpai OS is more like a platform, putting all Xiaomi's ecological devices together for communication and interconnection.

    Xiaomi Vela is an Internet of Things embedded software platform built by Xiaomi based on the open source real-time operating system NuttX. Vela provides unified software services on various Internet of Things hardware platforms, supports rich components and easy-to-use frameworks, and opens up fragmented Internet of Things application scenarios.

    Xiaomi Vela requires far less system resources than Linux, but it can provide functions and performance similar to Linux systems. It can be seen as an alternative to many low-end Linux systems. Switching to Xiaomi Vela can reduce hardware costs and improve the overall cost performance of the product.

     Detailed explanation of Xiaomi's surging OS, the first launch of Xiaomi 14

    NuttX is an RTOS system, an embedded operating system on intelligent devices, Xiaomi Vela is based on this Developed.

    In the mobile era, there were many fragmentation phenomena in the early days of Android. Goodle and many mobile phone companies around the world worked together to solve these fragmentation phenomena. However, facing the future, fragmentation will become more serious in the era of the Internet of Everything or the AlOT era. Therefore, Xiaomi began to pay attention to NuttX long ago, hoping to solve the fragmentation phenomenon through the open source embedded real-time operating system. In 2019, Xiaomi and the founder of NuttX team carried out strategic cooperation, and under the promotion of Dr. Cui Baoqiu, Xiaomi, NuttX officially entered Apache Incubator.

    According to the annual report of Apache 2021, Apache NuttX is the top five popular open source projects. Xiaomi engineer Xiao Xiang has also entered the top five committees of the Apache community, which represents the activity of NuttX. In 2022, Xiaomi will contribute more than half of the code to NuttX and become the absolute main force of this community.

     Detailed explanation of Xiaomi's surging OS, the first launch of Xiaomi 14

    In addition, Lei Jun demonstrated the Xiaomi 14 series equipped with Mimpai OS. Although wearing a heavy security shell, the extremely narrow frame of Xiaomi 14 can still be seen.

    Xiaomi and CSOT have always maintained a deep cooperative relationship. The first 1.5K and 2K screens made in China were basically launched by the two parties. In March this year, CSOT officially announced its narrow frame technology. Xiaomi 14 will debut this screen.

     Detailed explanation of Xiaomi's surging OS, the first launch of Xiaomi 14

    Most likely, this time, Xiaomi14 series is equipped with screens of CSOT. Xiaomi 14 is equipped with 1.5K straight screen, supports 2880Hz high-frequency PWM dimming, and its peak brightness exceeds 2600 nits Xiaomi 14 Pro and Xiaomi 14 Ultra Equipped with 2K micro curved screen.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Detailed explanation of Xiaomi's surging OS, the first launch of Xiaomi 14 true report three thousand three hundred and four On October 17, Xiaomi Lei Jun officially announced the retirement of MIUI. Xiaomi will start a new operating system called Xiaomi HyperOS. 1 Lei Jun's brief introduction to Xiaomi's surging OS Xiaomi will enable a new operating system, Xiaomi's surging OS (Xiaomi HyperOS). This is an epoch-making milestone for Xiaomi, and a key leap towards "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes"
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