
    This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yoga

    Last month, Hongmi brought a new Redmi Note series Redmi Note 13 Pro+ However, many netizens said that the configuration of Note 13 Pro+is in the price range of about 2000, which is not cost-effective.

    I don't believe in evil. I got one during the National Day holiday. Today we will have a good talk. This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    Let's start with me Redmi Note 13 Pro +The reason of.

    I went home during the National Day holiday, and my elders said mobile phone The memory is full. I used a bit of card. It seems that it has been used for two years Redmi Note 11 Pro It's really time for a new model, so we ordered one in JD.

    What is the reason why I choose Note 13 Pro+? There are probably three points.

    The performance is not perfect, but it is absolutely enough

    The first is the performance that many friends complain about.

    Redmi Note 13 Pro+is equipped with Tianji 7200 Ultra processor, which is built by the second generation 4nm manufacturing process of TSMC. The eight core CPU architecture includes two 2.8 GHz Arm Cortex-A715 cores and six Cortex-A510 cores. The GPU is Mali-G610 MC4.

    Although this Tianji 7200 Ultra may be weaker than the SoC of the flagship at the same price, it is not bad at this price. The 7200 Ultra is sufficient for middle-aged and elderly people who have no performance requirements.

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    I also tried to use Redmi Note 13 Pro+to experience the original spirit for a while under medium and low image quality. The overall smoothness is fairly good, so on the whole, the performance of this Tianji 7200 Ultra should not be as bad as everyone thought.

    Customized 200 million pixel sensor, not just a gimmick

    In terms of image, the Note 13 Pro+is equipped with an HP3 exploration sensor jointly customized with Samsung, which supports 200 million pixels of ultra clear direct output and OIS optical anti shake.

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    In a better light environment, the film quality is very good. However, in poor lighting environment, especially in night view, the performance is relatively general.

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?
    Average experience in dark environment

    To sum up, it is very rare for Redmi Note 13 Pro+to use a customized 200 million pixel lens in this price segment. For users with no professional image needs, the image experience of Note 13 Pro+is enough.

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    IP68+screen breakage insurance, ensuring the safety of daily use

    The last point is the security of Note 13 Pro+.

    This time, Redmi Note 13 Pro+not only supports IP68 dustproof and waterproof, but also gives away a year's broken screen insurance. This combination is very practical for middle-aged and elderly people.

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    Take my elders for example, it is common for mobile phones to fall on the floor and into the basin. Before, they had to rely on film and wearing a shell to protect them. If they were broken, it is usually a simple repair at a third-party store (it is not worth spending hundreds of dollars to repair a mobile phone that costs more than 1000 yuan to go to the official after-sales service). With IP68 and broken screen insurance, the safety of daily use is guaranteed.

    Write at the end

    To sum up, although Redmi Note 13 Pro+is not a top configuration mobile phone, its performance in performance, image and security has been recognized by me. Of course, Redmi Note 13 Pro+still has room for improvement in some aspects. For example, screen brightness, endurance, video capture and other aspects, which are also very important experiences for many consumers.

     This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it?

    Not everyone needs a performance flagship and a video flagship. The Note 13 Pro+phone, which costs less than 2000 yuan, has met the daily needs of many consumers. We also expect that the Redmi Note series will continue to carry forward the concept of high cost performance, bring us more excellent products and continue to improve the user experience.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it? true report two thousand two hundred and seventy-four Last month, Hongmi brought the new Redmi Note 13 Pro+in the Redmi Note series, but many netizens said that the configuration of Note 13 Pro+was in the price range of about 2000, and there was no cost performance. I don't believe in evil. I got one during the National Day holiday. Today we will have a good talk. This red rice is not cost-effective. Why would I pay for it? Let me start with Redmi Note 13 Pro+
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