
    Wang Teng: Redmi Note 13 Pro+is too strong to be true. Welcome to open competition

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

    On September 11, Wang Teng, the former general manager of Xiaomi Henan Branch, announced that he would act as the spokesman of the Redmi brand and the general manager of the Redmi marketing department. Wang Teng warmed up the upcoming Redmi new machine Note 13 series on Weibo, and published a long article about the Redmi brand and the new machine. Wang Teng said that the Note series is the embodiment of Redmi's original intention, bearing the mission of expelling industry chaos, reshaping industry baseline, and serving public users. It also represents the ultimate cost performance, and has nothing to do with any friend. Over the past decade, the Note series has become the best choice for more than 300 million users worldwide. Two generations of the Note series have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the first half of the year, the performance mini king kong has popularized the flagship performance, and in the second half of the year, the experience mini king kong will lead the industry to recognize the experience. Wang Teng also publicized the latest Redmi Note 13 The Note 13 Pro+will bring the clearest and fastest 200 million pixel experience ever. As a new generation of "Experience Little King Kong", Note 13 Pro+has comprehensively upgraded its appearance, texture, screen and quality. Wang Teng believes that this generation of Notes still has no rivals in the same gear. Wang Teng said that Redmi welcomes competition and wins users' favor by their ability, products and enterprising spirit, rather than focusing on the wrong place, selectively ignoring products, ignoring adjustments and ignoring the improvement of their own capabilities.

     Wang Teng: Redmi Note 13 Pro+is too strong to be true. Welcome to open competition

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Wang Teng: Redmi Note 13 Pro+is too strong to be true. Welcome to open competition true report one thousand one hundred and forty-four On September 11, Wang Teng, the former general manager of Xiaomi Henan Branch, announced that he would act as the spokesman of the Redmi brand and the general manager of the Redmi marketing department. Wang Teng warmed up the upcoming Redmi new machine Note 13 series on Weibo, and published a long article about the Redmi brand and the new machine. Wang Teng said that the Note series is the embodiment of Redmi's original intention, bearing the responsibility of expelling industry chaos and reshaping the industry
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