
    Make preparations in advance. Introduction to iPhone 15 first launch picking process

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yoga

    In the early morning of next Wednesday (September 13), Apple will hold a new product launch conference, iPhone The pre-sale of 15 series new machines will start on September 15, and the official sale will start on September 22.

    For those who want to get the new iPhone at the first time mobile phone In addition to keeping an eye on the official website on the evening of the 15th, the users of. Therefore, based on our experience in the past years, we have compiled an overview of the online booking and picking up process to help many inexperienced friends understand what the process is.

    First of all, in the morning of the 22nd, we need to confirm whether our order status is pickup status through our order's Apple ID on Apple's official website or Apple Store application, and then determine the location of our pickup store.

     Make preparations in advance. Introduction to iPhone 15 first launch picking process

    If you have any uncertain information, you can directly call Apple's official customer service (400-666-8800) for consultation.

    Generally speaking, after you place an order successfully, you will receive a pickup message. The link contains the order details, pickup QR code and pickup time.

     Make preparations in advance. Introduction to iPhone 15 first launch picking process

    According to the situation of the first launch in previous years, we began to queue up to pick up the goods at around 7:30 in the morning. In addition to the welcome ceremony for a set of shop assistants, there will also be live media coverage. If we are not in a hurry, we can stagger the morning and the morning peak.

    Generally speaking, it is a short off peak period from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The flow of people is relatively small, and the picking up is more smooth.

    After arriving at the store, find the relevant staff and show the relevant information to receive the corresponding products.

    After receiving the product, we should first check whether the package is intact, and whether the corresponding color matching and model are correct.

    After opening the package, we need to check again whether the color matching of the mobile phone is accurate, and whether there are bumps and scratches on the body.

    Check whether the mobile phone screen is in good condition and whether the camera has black spots.

    If there is a problem, you can ask the power supply on the spot whether it can be replaced. Generally, every retail store will have a certain number of machines in stock for after-sales service.

     Make preparations in advance. Introduction to iPhone 15 first launch picking process

    In addition, it is worth mentioning that, generally speaking, on the day of the first launch, because the store staff are basically receiving the first launch users, the store will not sell any other accessories except mobile phone cases, so if you need services such as film sticking, you need to buy from a third party in advance.

    Finally, I would like to remind you that when picking up the goods, you need to bring the original ID card and the SMS, so don't forget.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Make preparations in advance. Introduction to iPhone 15 first launch picking process true report one thousand six hundred and thirty-two In the early morning of next Wednesday (September 13), Apple will hold a new product launch conference. According to previous years, it is inferred that the new iPhone 15 series will be pre-sales on September 15 and officially launched on September 22. In addition to keeping an eye on the official website on the evening of the 15th, users who want to get new iPhones at the first time should also go to the Apple Store for offline pickup on the 22nd. Therefore, based on previous years
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