
    Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Block building block

    A new knowledge every day, just get a little.

    It is believed that many "donkey friends" have heard the word "three prevention", which is the so-called "dust-proof, shockproof and waterproof". In order to prevent damage to equipment in the field environment, three prevention mobile phone It has almost become a must-have product. At present, the most famous brand is AGM; There are even three prevention laptops and three prevention tablets, which are hard core products.

     Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped

    However, in recent years, with the progress of mobile phone production technology, the word "three prevention" has been heard less and less. A group of high-end flagship supporting "IP68" has gradually emerged in the eyes of consumers. When they hear that it also represents dust and water resistance, many users subconsciously draw an equal sign between IP68 and three prevention, thinking that they can play with their mobile phones in the toilet with ease, Even if the screen is dirty, wash it with water.

     Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped

    Mobile bathroom waterproof box

    If you think so, there is a small mistake here: 6 in IP68 means to completely prevent foreign objects and dust from entering, but 8 means that the mobile phone can be immersed in water under certain pressure for a period of time without impact, and it is possible to damage the mobile phone for a long time. At the same time, preventing water intrusion does not mean that it can completely prevent water vapor. High temperature water vapor may enter the phone through the headphone hole, speaker, charging port and other openings, affecting the normal use of electronic components inside the phone. If the mobile phone is often placed in a wet place, the sound from the speaker will become very small over time, and even the screen will fail, which is caused by the water mist entering the mobile phone freezing and damaging the main board circuit.

     Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped

    Seeing some friends here, I will definitely say, why don't I put a waterproof bag on my mobile phone? In fact, if the number of layers of the plastic wrap is not enough, the nail may be scratched, making water vapor enter. However, if the wrap is too thick, the effect of the touch screen and speaker will be affected. Waterproof bags are relatively well done, but if you buy cheap products, it is likely that moisture will still enter the bag, which can only be said to cure the symptoms rather than the root causes. In the past, the news that mobile phone waterproof bags are damaged due to water ingress often came out.

     Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped

    • If you really need hard configuration for mobile phones, you'd better choose three proof mobile phones. Some of them can reach the IP69K level, can withstand high temperature and high pressure steam erosion, and will enter the water and soil conservation for one year.

     Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Get one thing: can IP68 mobile phones wave freely? Don't complain if it's scrapped true report one thousand five hundred and fifty-six A new knowledge every day, just get a little. It is believed that many "donkey friends" have heard of the word "three prevention", which is the so-called "dust-proof, shockproof and waterproof". In order to prevent damage to equipment in the wild environment, three prevention mobile phones have almost become a necessity. At present, the most well-known brand is AGM; There are even three prevention laptops and three prevention tablets, which are hard core products. But in recent years
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