
    Jia Yueting's "Real Person Appears" Domestic Forum: I can succeed quickly without burning too much money

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Meng Lingxi

    Recently, Jia Yueting, founder of FF (Faraday Future), attended the 15th China Auto Blue Book Forum in the form of video participation and delivered a speech at the forum.

     Jia Yueting's "Real Person Appears" Domestic Forum: I can succeed quickly without burning too much money

    In his speech, Jia Yueting mentioned FF's product positioning, technology positioning and brand positioning, as well as the business model of jointly creating and sharing light assets. These unique competitive advantages make FF in a blue ocean position in the market.

    Jia Yueting said that these advantages make it possible for FF to achieve positive cash flow and quickly move towards success with relatively little follow-up capital investment.

    However, Jia Yueting was faced with a new consumption restriction order due to his failure to perform the payment obligation specified in the effective legal document on time. China Securities Regulatory Commission was the applicant, and Jia Yueting failed to perform a fine of 240 million yuan in the case of administrative non litigation execution. At present, Jia Yueting has not returned to China.

     Jia Yueting's "Real Person Appears" Domestic Forum: I can succeed quickly without burning too much money

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Jia Yueting's "Real Person Appears" Domestic Forum: I can succeed quickly without burning too much money true report six hundred and sixty-eight Recently, Jia Yueting, founder of FF (Faraday Future), attended the 15th China Auto Blue Book Forum in the form of video participation and delivered a speech at the forum. In his speech, Jia Yueting mentioned FF's product positioning, technology positioning and brand positioning, as well as the business model of jointly creating and sharing light assets. These unique competitive advantages make FF in a blue ocean position in the market. Jia Yueting said that
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