
    How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yoga

    This year's Father's Day coincides with the 618 e-commerce shopping festival, and many friends want to buy a new one for their father during the 618 e-commerce discount period mobile phone So do you know what factors we should pay attention to when buying mobile phones for elders? According to our summary, it is about endurance, fluency and high pixels.

    Long enough

    For mobile phone users at my father's age, they have basically experienced the era of feature phones. At that time, feature phones generally had the characteristics of "long endurance". Charging every two or three days was a basic operation. Therefore, when many elderly users came into contact with smart phones, the biggest pain point was "too fast power down".

    At present, the common solution for the mobile phone industry to deal with endurance anxiety is "large battery"+"high power fast charging". Although it may not be able to achieve the effect of charging once every two or three days in the era of functional phones, it is undoubtedly able to alleviate users' "endurance anxiety" to a large extent through a short time of fast charging.

    In terms of parameters, I personally think that at least 5000mAh battery capacity+67W fast charge is a "sweet" endurance specification. 30 minutes can add more than 80% of mobile phone power, and 5000mAh is basically enough for a whole day.

    The performance should be smooth enough

    In addition to the long life, I think the smoothness of use is also crucial when purchasing a mobile phone WeChat If they are all very stuck, it will greatly affect the use experience.

    As far as the parameters are concerned, I think that at least the SoC launched by Qualcomm and MediaTek in the last year or two can meet the smoothness of daily use. Some products that were launched a year or two ago should not be selected.

    High pixel

    Finally, high pixels are also an important indicator when shopping. Although the elders do not have too much pursuit of mobile phone images, they really like to pat flowers and grass with their mobile phones in their daily life. The pixel of a mobile phone is high enough not only to meet the needs of seniors for daily casual shooting, but also to make them more recognized the image strength of this mobile phone.

    Generally speaking, as long as the above conditions are met, you can basically choose a good product for your father.

    If you are too lazy to choose, just want to "copy homework", then I suggest you choose the recently released OPPO K11x

     How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key
    OPPO K11x

    First, in terms of endurance, OPPO K11x brings the configuration combination of 67W super flash charge+5000mAh battery.

    According to our actual measurement, OPPO K11x has 50% remaining electricity under the 5-hour heavy endurance model test of Zhongguancun online; In the 30 minute fast charge test, the charge can be from 0% to 81%.

     How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key

     How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key

    In terms of fluency, OPPO K11x not only carries the "Shenu" Snapdragon 695 at the price of 1000 yuan, but also It is equipped with a large memory of up to 12GB+256GB and a high frame racing screen with a 120Hz refresh rate, It is quite silky in daily use.

    In terms of image, OPPO K11x uses 100 million pixels as the main camera, which not only sounds "scary", but also has a good effect in actual shooting.

     How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key

     How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key

    In general, OPPO K11x's comprehensive strength is enough to meet the needs of the elders for mobile phones. At the same time, for the elders, OPPO is not only a well-known brand, but also the offline physical stores of OPPO are almost everywhere, which can be assured in terms of after-sales experience.

    At present, OPPO K11x sells for 1499 yuan in JD, and can also enjoy the old for new subsidy when placing an order. Interested friends can learn more through the link below.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: How to choose a mobile phone on Father's Day? Endurance, smoothness and high pixels are the key true report two thousand one hundred and sixty This year's Father's Day coincides with the 618 e-commerce shopping festival. Many friends want to change a new mobile phone for their father during the 618 e-commerce discount period. So do you know what factors we should pay attention to when buying mobile phones for elders? According to our summary, it is about endurance, fluency and high pixels. The battery life is long enough. For mobile phone users of my father's age, they have basically experienced success
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