
    Jia Yueting's trembling voice shows off the new FF 91?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Meng Lingxi

    It is reported that Jia Yueting, the future founder of Faraday, released a video on Tiaoyin to warm up the "FF 91&Faraday Future 2.0 Final Release" activity tomorrow, and disclosed some parameters of FF 91 2.0.

     Jia Yueting's trembling voice shows off the new FF 91?

     Jia Yueting's trembling voice shows off the new FF 91?

    Jia Yueting said that FF 91 has evolved into version 2.0 after a large number of upgrading iterations, and its leadership can be seen at the press conference. He also showed the appearance of FF 91 2.0. It can be seen that the whole vehicle is very slender, equipped with a vertical central control screen inside, with a large space to wheelbase ratio, a vehicle weight of nearly 3 tons, and a 100 km acceleration of 2.27 seconds.

    Jia Yueting also said that the acceleration weight of the FF 91 2.0 is far ahead of other cars in the same class and twice as fast as that of Ferrari. On June 6, the first group of user co creation theme activities will be launched.

     Jia Yueting's trembling voice shows off the new FF 91?

    FF 91 is the first mass production model of Faraday in the future, which was launched on CES in 2017. The vehicle is based on FF self-developed variable electricity drive The chassis structure (VPA) is built, equipped with a 1050 horsepower motor, and the peak torque reaches 1800 Nm. In terms of battery, 130kWh battery pack is used, and the driving range under NEDC condition is 700km.

     Jia Yueting's trembling voice shows off the new FF 91?

    The car will be officially booked in July 2021, with a reservation amount of 50000 yuan. Officials once said that they had collected more than 14000 FF 91 bookings, but only 300 were paid for.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Jia Yueting's trembling voice shows off the new FF 91? true report one thousand one hundred and twelve It is reported that Jia Yueting, the future founder of Faraday, released a video on Tiaoyin to warm up the "FF 91&Faraday Future 2.0 Final Release" activity tomorrow, and disclosed some parameters of FF 91 2.0. Jia Yueting said that FF 91 has evolved into version 2.0 after a large number of upgrading iterations, and its leadership can be seen at the press conference. He also showed FF 91 2
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