
    [Second Knowledge Base] Is the drum washing machine really better than the wave wheel washing machine?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wu Yating

    Wave wheel washing machine and drum washing machine are two common types of washing machines on the market. Many people have difficulties in choosing which one to choose. Generally speaking, roller washing machines are more expensive, so many people think that roller washing machines are better, but is that true? Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of drum washing machines and wave wheel washing machines, and how different people should choose and buy them.

     [Second Knowledge Base] Is the drum washing machine really better than the wave wheel washing machine?

    Advantages and disadvantages of drum washing machine:


    1. More water and electricity saving: The drum washing machine adopts a horizontal layout, allowing clothes to roll more freely in the water flow, which can reduce the water and electricity consumption and reduce the use cost.

    2. Good cleaning effect: drum washing machine is superior to wave wheel washing machine in cleaning effect. It adopts the principle of high-speed rotation, which can make clothes more deeply stressed and achieve better cleaning effect.

    3. Simple operation: the drum washing machine has low noise when running, and it is soft to handle, so it is more convenient to operate and easy to use.

     [Second Knowledge Base] Is the drum washing machine really better than the wave wheel washing machine?


    1. High price: Compared with the wave wheel washing machine, the price of drum washing machine is generally high, and consumers with limited budget may need more preparation.

    2. Space occupation: Due to the design of drum washing machine, it is usually large and needs more space. It may cause problems for people with limited living space.

    Advantages and disadvantages of wave wheel washing machine:


    1. Low price: Compared with other types of washing machines, the wave wheel washing machine is more affordable. Even under the condition of the same quality, the wave wheel washing machine is more affordable than the drum washing machine.

    2. Easy to use: The wave wheel washing machine is simple to use, simple in structure and low in maintenance cost.

    3. Small space: many wave wheel washing machines are small in size and can be used in corners or small families.

     [Second Knowledge Base] Is the drum washing machine really better than the wave wheel washing machine?


    1. Damaged clothes: The wave wheel washing machine uses agitation to wash clothes, which is easy to damage or entangle clothes during cleaning.

    2. The cleaning effect is not as good as that of the drum washing machine: the washing effect of the drum washing machine is slightly worse than that of the drum washing machine, especially for dirty clothes that need to be cleaned many times.

    Then, according to the above advantages and disadvantages, How do we choose our own washing machine?

    If you are the person who pursues the cleaning effect, then the drum washing machine must be the first choice. Especially for families with more family members and large cleaning volume, the drum washing machine can better meet the daily cleaning needs.

     [Second Knowledge Base] Is the drum washing machine really better than the wave wheel washing machine?

    If you are buying a washing machine with a limited budget or a family with a small living environment, then the wave wheel washing machine is also a good choice. It is not only more affordable, but also easy to operate and maintain, and can be used by people with small living areas.

    In a word, the choice of washing machine should not blindly pursue expensive ones. Consumers can choose the most suitable washing machine according to their real needs.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Second Knowledge Base] Is the drum washing machine really better than the wave wheel washing machine? true report two thousand one hundred and seventy-five Wave wheel washing machine and drum washing machine are two common types of washing machines on the market. Many people have difficulties in choosing which one to choose. Generally speaking, roller washing machines are more expensive, so many people think that roller washing machines are better, but is that true? Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of drum washing machines and wave wheel washing machines, and how different people should choose and buy them. Little Swan (Li
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