
    Hands on of Motorola Rizr concept machine: neatly folded mobile phone

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yao Liwei

    intelligence mobile phone The industry has always been the battlefield of innovation and cutting-edge technology. Foldable and Scrollable screen It is one of the newest members of this competition. Although collapsible screens have existed for some time, they are still in an emerging stage. However, with the upcoming Motorola Rizr crimpable phone, this situation may soon change.

    Motorola Rizr is a concept mobile phone unveiled at MWC 2023. This phone has a more practical method of screen expansion, allowing users to roll out a larger display when they need more screen space, and put it away neatly after completion. This mobile phone has a small shape and uses BOE display 5 inches 15: 9 POLED display. The display surrounds the bottom of the device, covering about one-third of the rear.

    To expand the display, the user needs to double click the power button on the side, which will activate the electric system. The display scrolls up. After about three seconds, most of the rear panels reach the front of the phone, expanding the display to 22:9 6.5 inches. The system interface will be adjusted accordingly, the application will stretch vertically, and the icons will be rearranged on the main screen. Motorola is also making special wallpaper To automatically adapt to screen distortion.

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    One of the notable disadvantages of the Motorola Rizr is its thickness and weight. Although its height and width are small, it is still quite thick, weighing 210g, heavier than many flagship phones such as Pixel 7 Pro. However, this is a small setback for the functions of mobile phones. Considering the benefits of the scrollable display, users may find it manageable.

    When the phone is facing down and the display is not expanded, the part of the screen surrounding the back serves as the rear display, which can display notifications or set to the always show mode to display the date, time and weather. This feature is not only innovative, but also powerful, allowing users to track their notifications without constantly flipping their phones.

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    Motorola Rizr's camera application is another innovative feature. When taking photos, you can click the button to activate the rear display screen, and then display the preview of their photos or cute smiley animation to the subject. This feature adds a new level of interaction to photography and will certainly attract social media enthusiasts.

    In addition to all the complexities of the folding machine, Motorola Rizr must also have a small, power saving and reliable electric system built in to make the screen scroll. At present, the Motorola Rizr has a 3000mAh battery, which may be sufficient for the smaller 5-inch display screen, but not so many for the extended 6.5 inch model. However, as technology advances, we can expect to see improvements in battery life and power management.

    In general, the Motorola Rizr is an exciting concept phone that demonstrates the potential of a curlable display. Although it may have some disadvantages, such as weight and thickness, its functions and innovative features make it a promising complement to the smartphone industry. The future of smart phones is undoubtedly bright. With Motorola Rizr, we can have a glimpse of what is going to happen.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Hands on of Motorola Rizr concept machine: neatly folded mobile phone true report two thousand one hundred and eighty-five The smartphone industry has always been a battleground for innovation and cutting-edge technology. The folding and curling screen is one of the newest members of this competition. Although collapsible screens have existed for some time, they are still in an emerging stage. However, with the upcoming Motorola Rizr crimpable phone, this situation may soon change. Motorola moto razr 2022 seamless quasi mirror folding
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