
    84 hour extreme environment "machine abuse" challenge, who said that expensive must be more durable?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Aku

    If one mobile phone What do you think will happen if you stay for 24 hours in an environment with 95% humidity and 60 ℃ temperature?

    If a mobile phone runs continuously for 24 hours in an environment of minus 20 degrees, what will it do?

    Can a mobile phone run smoothly if it persists in a high concentration salt fog environment for 12 hours?

    With doubt, this time we have completed a "big job" and not only spent a lot of money to buy OPPO Reno9 Pro+ iPhone 14 Pro、 Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra For the new mobile phone, we also found a professional test laboratory to simulate the extreme test environment of high temperature, high humidity and high salt fog, just to see whether the three mobile phones can be firm and smooth after repeated "tossing".

    From the results, we can see that the three mobile phones have passed our test on the surface. At least they can switch on and off the phone, slide the screen and run the APP normally. In terms of daily use, can the three mobile phones keep enough fluency?

     84 hour extreme environment "machine abuse" challenge, who said that expensive must be more durable?

    In fact, before and after the extreme "machine abuse", we also conducted application retention test, cold start speed test and final game test for three mobile phones. We have compiled a table of relevant results for you to see.

     84 hour extreme environment "machine abuse" challenge, who said that expensive must be more durable?

    Overall, the iPhone 14 Pro has a dominant performance in the continuous cold start of the APP, and the overall attenuation is also low. However, in the game test, there has been a relatively obvious fluctuation.

    Samsung S22 Ultra is relatively inferior. Except for good performance in games, other indicators are not good, and performance degradation is also obvious.

    OPPO Reno9 Pro+has performed well in keeping the APP alive in the background. The multi round test application has a very high rate of keeping alive. The APP has been tested for several consecutive cold start tests and game tests. The duration and frame rate are also relatively close, and the attenuation amplitude is the smallest among the three mobile phones.

    It has to be said that the performance of OPPO Reno9 Pro+is really surprising compared with the two flagship machines at the 10000 yuan level. After rigorous testing, the domestic Android phones did not disappoint us this time.

     84 hour extreme environment "machine abuse" challenge, who said that expensive must be more durable?

    The new OPPO Reno9 series not only has a comprehensive upgrade in the core configuration, but also has the built-in ColorOS supercomputing platform technology, which focuses on solving the industry problems of unreasonable computing resource allocation and memory usage conflicts, thus improving the product smoothness. I believe this is also an important reason why OPPO Reno9 Pro+can finally stand out.

    Well, the above is all the content of this video. Thank you for watching. Follow Zhongguancun Online and bring you more wonderful content.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 84 hour extreme environment "machine abuse" challenge, who said that expensive must be more durable? true report one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven If a mobile phone stays in an environment with 95% humidity and 60 ℃ temperature for 24 hours, what do you think will happen? If a mobile phone runs continuously for 24 hours in an environment of minus 20 degrees, what will it do? Can a mobile phone run smoothly if it persists in a high concentration salt fog environment for 12 hours? With doubt, this time we did a "big job", not only spent a lot of money to buy OPPO Reno
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