
    OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    When it comes to family health management, the first thing that people think of is to use the human brain to remember the health status of each family member, and to observe whether family members feel uncomfortable with the naked eye. On the issue of personal health management, we think of various intelligent terminals with rich monitoring functions and mobile phone Personal health management APP. This comparison will find that the traditional family health management mode is no longer suitable for the development of this era.

    At this time, some people may ask: Why not let everyone in the family wear a watch with health monitoring function? Although this approach is theoretically feasible, in reality many seniors are unwilling to wear wearable electronic devices for a long time, and the monitoring accuracy of smart watch products is difficult to meet the health management needs of the elderly. Therefore, there is a lack of a health management product on the market that can meet the health monitoring needs of multiple parents at the same time and the monitoring accuracy is accurate enough.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management OHealth H1 Home Intelligent Health Monitor

    However, OPPO has just released the first home intelligent health concept product - OHealth H1 home intelligent health monitor, which may fill this market gap and become the home health management center in the future. Today we will take you to experience the concept product OHealth H1.

    What is OHealth H1? What are the advantages over existing products?

    First of all, OHealth H1 is a home intelligent health monitor in hardware, and it is equipped with corresponding Software Services form a set of family health management solutions. It supports six functions: temperature, ECG, heart rate, blood oxygen, cardiopulmonary sound auscultation measurement and sleep monitoring. At the same time, it can manage the health data of every member of the whole family in the cloud, and provide reliable medical sign data support for online consultation.

    In terms of appearance design, OHealth H1 adopts the design concept of the current intelligent furniture products. It adopts a warm arc design as a whole, which is simple and round in shape. Its size is similar to that of a small mouse. It is both beautiful and compact on the whole, and it will not feel incompatible when placed on a table for daily storage.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management OHealth  H1

    OHealth H1 is equipped with ECG sensor, body temperature sensor, proximity sensor, cardiopulmonary sound sensor, display screen, speaker and other components, as well as a magnetic charging base, which is convenient for charging and can also serve as a fixed storage location.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management OHealth H1 is equipped with multiple sensors

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management OHealth H1 and magnetic charging base

    Compared with existing intelligent health products, OHealth H1 has three characteristics: high integration, high intelligence and medical precision. This also makes it have many obvious advantages in daily use: in the past, we wanted to carry out a simple family health examination for the elderly, we needed to use blood pressure meter, thermometer, blood oxygen meter, stethoscope and other equipment respectively. These equipment not only have a single function, but also are difficult to store at home. At the same time, the degree of intelligence is not high, which is not convenient for data recording and management.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management OHealth supports family health management

    For young people, although wearable smart devices have the advantage of portability in health monitoring experience, their monitoring accuracy is difficult to reach the medical standard, and can only be used by one person, which is difficult to meet the needs of family health management. It can be seen that OHealth H1, which integrates multiple health monitoring functions and is equipped with corresponding software and medical services, is a new family health management product.

    OHealth H1 experience of six health monitoring functions

    After understanding the product positioning of OHealth H1, we will enter the actual measurement experience. First, we picked up OHealth H1 for a simple temperature measurement experience. Just place the thermometer within 3cm of the forehead, press the OK button, and the current temperature can be obtained in just a few seconds.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management Body temperature test results

    It is understood that OHealth H1 is equipped with a thermopile sensor and a TOF proximity sensor, and uses infrared non-contact technology to measure body temperature. This measurement method is not only fast and convenient, but also avoids harm and cross infection to the human body. The health management ability combined with OHealth H1 can also realize the early screening of respiratory system infection and dynamic temperature management of other diseases.

    The function of OHealth H1 is certainly not limited to simple temperature measurement, but also supports a powerful function of auscultation and measurement of heart and lung sounds. OHealth H1 is equipped with a self-developed electronic stethoscope based on piezoelectric ceramic sensor as the pickup component, which covers the audio signal acquisition range of 20Hz~2000Hz frequency, and its precision is far higher than the traditional stethoscope with metal cover, PU or PE film commonly seen in the current market.

    In terms of ECG measurement, OHealth H1 is equipped with stainless steel electrodes with a larger contact area than smart watch products, which enables OHealth H1 to obtain more accurate data during monitoring and improve the accuracy of atrial fibrillation detection. During measurement, users need to touch the electrodes on both sides of the body with their hands and press their thumbs on the sensor.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management
    ECG detection

    According to the official introduction, compared with smart watch products, OHealth H1 has a more detailed heart rate prompt range. In addition to high and low heart rates, it also prompts extremely high and low heart rates, giving more clear and effective prompts; In terms of the accuracy of arrhythmia prompt, both the overall index and the single arrhythmia sensitivity and specificity index are better than other wearable devices on the market.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management ECG detection results

    OHealth H1 also supports the heart rate measurement function. Users can use H1 to quickly measure the geocentric rate in daily sitting, waking up in the morning, during exercise, and after exercise. At the same time, they can also evaluate the exercise intensity through the heart rate recovery rate and give targeted exercise suggestions to users.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management Heart rate detection results

    In terms of blood oxygen measurement, OHealth H1 adopts the PPG blood oxygen measurement scheme to test the blood oxygen saturation of fingers. Users can measure blood oxygen by pressing their fingers in the groove. It is reported that the measured data can reach the same accuracy as mainstream medical blood oxygen meters.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management Blood oxygen test results

    In terms of sleep, many users are not accustomed to sleeping with wearable intelligent devices, but they want to monitor their sleep quality. OHealth H1 has realized the zero interference multi-dimensional sleep monitoring function through the integration of health algorithms, sensors, data science, biomedicine and other underlying technologies, and successfully solved the problem of sleep monitoring without wearing devices.

    OHealth H1 can better detect weak physiological vibration signals through its high-precision inertial sensor (IMU). The user only needs to place the device within 20cm of the pillow before going to bed, and the IMU sensor can detect the fluctuation of heart vibration transmitted to the surroundings through the mattress when lying still, so as to measure the heart rate.

    Andean intelligent cloud enables family health management to go to the cloud

    In terms of supporting software and medical services, OHealth H1 can be used with OHealth APP, and can enjoy the powerful cloud capability support of Andean intelligent cloud.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management OHealth APP

    At present, in the OHealth APP, users can achieve long-term tracking management of multiple family members' physical sign monitoring data in the same account, and users can also access specific models of sphygmomanometers of OPPO strategic partner Omron to achieve long-term management of blood pressure measurement data.

     OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management Connect Omron sphygmomanometer

    With the support of the cloud capabilities of the Andean intelligent cloud, it will also provide users with five core services in the future: health assessment and screening (AI+manual), AI assisted diagnosis and treatment, out of hospital family health management services, telemedicine services and emergency medical assistance. In the future, medical staff can interpret users' health data remotely through the specially developed doctor end APP, so as to provide users with more professional medical advice and services.


    OHealth H1 is an innovative family intelligent health product. While integrating a large number of traditional health monitoring products, it also actively uses the latest cloud and AI technologies to help users achieve a convenient health management experience. For the industry, OHealth H1 is another exploration of the form of intelligent products in the future era of integration of everything, which shows that the future hardware products can no longer be limited to the hardware itself. On the basis of the combination of software and hardware, we should further achieve integration with services, and finally move towards the era of integration of everything.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: OPPO OHealth H1, the core of future family health management true report five thousand three hundred and twenty-one When it comes to family health management, the first thing that people think of is to use the human brain to remember the health status of each family member, and to observe whether family members feel uncomfortable with the naked eye. On the issue of personal health management, we are thinking of various intelligent terminals with rich monitoring functions and personal health management apps placed in mobile phones. This comparison will show that traditional family health
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