
    The most fluent is not the subjective experience of the four mainstream mobile phone games on iPhone

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Gao Jian

    It's only a few days since the start of school in September, and we must be struggling with what is currently on sale mobile phone Which one of them runs a large-scale mobile game? It just happened that my four friends from ZOL editorial department each came up with their own four mobile phones: Redmi K50 , Motorola S30 One plus 10 Pro as well as iPhone 13. These four models also basically represent the mainstream models currently on the market. We will conduct a hands-on evaluation on the real machine. Instead of looking at the advertising, we will directly and intuitively feel the gaming experience of these four mobile phones.

    The most fluent is not the subjective experience of the four mainstream mobile phone games on iPhone

    Before we officially start the comparison, let's first understand the book specifications and parameters of these four mobile phones, which is also to know the parameters and strength of these four players in advance. The iPhone 13 has comparative advantages in core SOC, but the Tianji 8100 and One plus 10 The performance of Pro's Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 is not far behind, while the Moto S30's Snapdragon 888+is relatively weak due to its early release, but there is no obvious difference in actual hand experience. In terms of transportation and storage, except for the 4G of the iPhone 13, the other three players are basically 12G transportation and storage, on a horizontal line. In terms of screens, the four mobile phones have basically reached 2K resolution, and the screen material Redmi K50 uses OLED screens, Moto S30 is equipped with LCD screen, One Plus 10 Pro is equipped with AMOLED screen, and Apple is equipped with OLED screen. In addition to Apple's 60Hz, the other three models basically support high brushes above 120Hz, and the minimum battery capacity of iPhone 13 is 3095mAh, and the other three models are all above 5000mAh.

    model SOC Transportation and storage screen Battery capacity
    Redmi K50

    Tianji 8100

    12G 2K OLED 120Hz 5500mAh
    moto S30 Snapdragon 888+ 12G 2K LCD 144Hz (DC dimming) 5000mAh
    One plus 10 Pro Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 12G 2K AMOLED 120Hz LTPO2.0 5000mAh
    iPhone 13 A15 4G XDR OLED 60Hz 3095mAh

    In fact, we selected three mainstream games that people often play:《 League of Heroes 》, Peace Elite and Call of Duty. On the whole, the four mobile phones can stably and smoothly run these three games up to 60 frames. However, during the running of Peace Elite, the iPhone 13 was cut off in the WiFi environment, and in Call of Duty, the Redmi K50 also had similar problems. On the whole, the fluency and performance of 10 Pro and Motorola S30 are more stable and excellent. In the pre game loading, iPhone 13 and Redmi K50 were broken in different cases. The iPhone 13 was broken in our expectation, but the Redmi K50 was broken in our expectation.

    IPhone 13 is cut off when entering Peace Elite

    The Redmi K50 is broken after the Call of Duty game

    Among the four models, one plus 10 Pro has stable overall performance, smooth operation, and excellent temperature control. You can give priority to this phone; The Motorola S30 is also outstanding beyond our expectation. Although it is hot in some games, its overall performance is comparable to that of the other three mobile phones, and this mobile phone is also the most affordable of the four. If your budget is priority, you can give priority to the Motorola S30; In fact, the Redmi K50 is second only to the iPhone 13 in terms of temperature control. If it catches up with the promotion, it can also be considered; Although the overall performance of the iPhone 13 is also excellent, it occasionally breaks the chain for everyone due to well-known signal problems, which is unbearable for many gamers. Moreover, the price screen is still 60Hz configuration, which really lacks cost performance. Although the iPhone 13 is still an excellent phone, I suggest you be cautious if you are a heavy game user.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The most fluent is not the subjective experience of the four mainstream mobile phone games on iPhone true report two thousand eight hundred and twelve A few days after the start of school in September, we must be wondering which mobile phone is currently on sale to run a large-scale mobile game. It happened that my four friends from ZOL editorial department had their own four mobile phones, namely, the Redmi K50, Motorola S30, One Plus 10 Pro and iPhone 13, which basically represent the mainstream models currently on the market. We will conduct a hands-on evaluation, and we will not see the advertisement
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