
    Future flagship ready! Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Aku

    On October 20, MediaTek held Tianji's flagship technical communication meeting. During the meeting, Yue Xiliang, Technical Manager of Wireless Communication System Development Department of MediaTek, Jiao Yucun, Deputy Director of Product Marketing of Wireless Communication Business Department, Wu Hua, Director of Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technology Business Group, Li Junnan, Director of Technology Planning of Wireless Communication Business Department, Zhuang Shirong, Product Manager of Wireless Communication Business Department, Zou Wenshan, Product Manager of Wireless Communication Business Department Chen Lifeng, the product manager of the wireless communication business division, received media group interviews on 5G, AI, mobile games, open architecture and other fields, and replied to some topics of concern. Based on this, we also have a further understanding of the progress made by United Development Technology and its future technology direction.

    1. 3GPP R16 will become the new mainstream of 5G, and MediaTek M80 is ready

    At present, the 5G standard is the second version of the specification Release 16, which has entered the freezing period. Prior to this, MediaTek released a new 5G baseband M80 that supports the latest 3GPP R16 standard. In addition to supporting multi carrier aggregation, it can achieve 7Gbps speed, increase wide area growth by 50%, and enhance the SuperUL super uplink function by 300% in weak fields, the M80 also brings proprietary high-speed rail mode and power saving technology.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    First of all, the M80 baseband has made signal enhancement for high-speed rail and other mobile environments to ensure stable networking at 500 km/h. In this regard, some media asked that MediaTek R16 also has a special high-speed rail mode. So what methods does MediaTek have to ensure the smooth transmission of communication in the context of rapid inter city travel such as subway?   

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    Yue Xiliang, technical manager of the wireless communication system development department of MediaTek, said that there are some differences between the subway and the high-speed railway. The subway has its own special situation. In the metro mode, MediaTek will not only enhance the UE, but also make targeted deployment for the network. For distributed networks, coverage can be better. At the same time, in the fast forward, it can ensure the stability of switching and data connection, thus improving the stability of connection in the subway scene, so that the signal can maintain a smooth connection.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:
    Yue Xiliang, Technical Manager of Wireless Communication System Development Department of MediaTek

    In terms of power saving technology, based on R16 standard, new technology helps to increase mobile phone Endurance of the terminal. Yue Xiliang also responded to this, saying that he aimed at special situations, such as instant messaging QQ Information, sending WeChat In this connection, R16 technology can increase the power gain of 20% in the baseband.

     Future flagship ready! Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting

    It is worth mentioning that millimeter wave has always been a hot topic about 5G. As we all know, 5G has unlimited potential, and millimeter wave is the key to help release the potential. When talking about the planning of MediaTek in the millimeter wave field, Jiao Yucun, Deputy Director of Product Marketing of the Wireless Communications Business Division, said that MediaTek had made relevant investment in the millimeter wave field very early, and the relevant technology development has been on schedule. Among them, the performance of MediaTek M80 5G baseband in millimeter wave and Sub-6GHz dual connection technologies has reached the highest level in the global industry, providing strong support for the further development of 5G networks.

    As for the advantages of MediaTek in millimeter wave, Yue Xiliang also added that MediaTek will also have flexible beam control and beam tracking technology, which can dynamically track the terminals in action, making the coverage more flexible, making up for the problem that the millimeter wave coverage is relatively short and easy to be blocked.

    In general, MediaTek has always been in the leading position in 5G. It can be predicted that in the 5G R16 cycle, with the arrival of the next-generation flagship chip of MediaTek Tianji, this advantage will continue, and be implemented on the experience, ultimately benefiting more consumers.

    2. The concept of 1W effective computing power was proposed to redefine the user experience

    In addition to 5G technology, MediaTek also shared their views on mobile AI. In terms of AI, the main uses now are actually photography, video recording, display and game optimization. The goal of the next generation of MediaTek APU is to be compatible with more frameworks, improve the energy efficiency ratio, enhance the collaboration between processors, and improve the application experience in video, display, game and other scenarios.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    In this meeting, for the evaluation of AI performance, MediaTek also proposed the concept of "effective computing power per watt", and said that compared with peak AI computing power, the former is the key indicator to ensure and improve users' long-term stable experience.

    As for why "1W" was chosen, Wu Hua, director of the Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technology Business Group, also made some explanations. "The effective AI performance per watt" was obtained through communication and negotiation. He believed that in some important scenarios, the consumption of AI was inconsistent. For example, when taking photos, sensors, ISPs, CPUs, APUs, etc. will be involved. Although it will be beneficial for APUs to occupy more power, each part also needs power, so the general consensus after negotiation is 1W.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    Li Junnan, the director of technical planning of the Wireless Communications Business Division, also said frankly that 1W is a good goal after exploration. It conforms to the ideal power allocation setting, can achieve the best effect, and is a set state that AI can really play.

    In fact, the proposal of "effective AI performance per watt" can also see some ideas of MediaTek in designing its own APU architecture to a certain extent, focusing more on the APU's computing power under long-term low power consumption. The advantage is that the APU is more efficient when cooperating with other units, and is often more handy when dealing with full scene AI, For example, while watching video, AI enhancement is carried out on the screen, so that the original ordinary screen can also get a better display effect, thus improving the user's experience when watching video.

    3. In the future, mobile gaming technology will enter the market, releasing the potential of flagship mobile games

    In terms of mobile games, MediaTek has been constantly optimizing its own game engine HyperEngine for many years, and through various functions, it has given mobile games an all-round experience improvement. At the same time, in this communication meeting, MediaTek also showed us some views on the future mobile game technology, and mobile ray tracing technology is the most important one.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    At the conference, some media also raised questions about the difference between the mobile optical tracking technology and the end game optical tracking technology. Li Junnan, the director of technology planning of the wireless communication business division, also responded positively. He said that there is still a significant difference between the optical tracking technology on mobile phones and the end game optical tracking technology. First of all, the demand for performance of the end game optical pursuit technology is very high, and it is not practical to carry directly when the mobile phone is still playing the original god. Therefore, MediaTek has proposed a new scheme to meet some demands of mobile phone.

    Of course, light chasing technology is good, but it also causes some concerns. Some media said frankly that from the perspective of end game performance, the frame rate dropped significantly after adding the light pursuit effect. How does MediaTek ensure that the actual experience will not be affected.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    In this regard, Zou Wenshan, the product manager of the wireless communication business division, said that in terms of optical tracking technology, MediaTek adopted a scheme based on Vulkan, which is more suitable for implementation on the mobile end. Compared with the mobile terminal, which needs to render the whole game screen, the mobile terminal does not necessarily need to execute light tracking special effects. The solution of MediaTek is more to import specific light source requirements for local areas or local specific objects, so as to achieve local light tracking effect in the mobile game scene, so as to ensure that the mobile game frame rate is in a relatively stable state.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    In addition to light pursuit, the future technology direction of MediaTek in mobile games also includes game super score, real-time global lighting and other solutions. It can be predicted that once these technologies are implemented, they are not only expected to bring high quality end game experience, but also will further promote the industry upgrade and trigger a new round of arms race.

    4. Tianji 5G open architecture to meet terminal differentiation needs

    At present, the smartphone market is gradually saturated, and smartphones will inevitably fall into the awkward situation of "sameness". How to break the deadlock of differentiation and meet the diversified needs of users has become a difficult problem for manufacturers. Based on this demand, MediaTek launched Tianji 5G open architecture to help terminal manufacturers create high-end 5G mobile phones with differentiated experience.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    As for the difference between Tianji 5G open architecture and traditional mode, Chen Lifeng, the product manager of the wireless communication business division, explained with an example that in the early days, the link of MediaTek was ABCD four modules that could not be changed, and the manufacturer could adjust the parameters; Later, if the manufacturer has new requirements for Division C, MediaTek will open the code of Division C so that the manufacturer can change it and achieve some effects, but the change is very small.

    Under the open architecture of Tianji 5G, MediaTek has opened four ABCD modules. Manufacturers can use the ABCAD method to arrange, or AABBC to arrange, or even replace C with C developed by the manufacturer. In short, Tianji 5G open architecture allows greater flexibility on the link, which undoubtedly gives mobile phone manufacturers more room for operability.

    With regard to the problem that customization is not deep enough at this stage, Li Junnan said that all the cooperation methods at present were discussed between MediaTek and the manufacturer. From the perspective of the current Tianji 1200, the effect is very good. In the future, MediaTek will continue this way to help partners achieve the most desirable state, so as to achieve the functions that the manufacturer wants.

     Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting:

    Tianji 5G open architecture not only gives full play to the best performance of MediaTek processors, but also meets more customization needs of mobile phone manufacturers, thus playing a more supportive role in building differentiated terminals. At present, MediaTek has also cooperated with Yijia, Xiaomi, vivo, realme and other mobile phone manufacturers to build platforms including Tianji 1200-AI, Tianji 1200-Ultra, Tianji 1200-vivo and other platforms through Tianji 5G open architecture, bringing consumers a differentiated and personalized use experience.

    Finally, I have something to say:

    With the official release of models equipped with Tianji 1000+, MediaTek and Tianji's flagship chip family have become one of the biggest winners. For MediaTek, although the 5G era is full of challenges, it also brings many opportunities.

    In fact, from this media communication meeting, we can already see that facing the future, MediaTek is more active and confident. Today, MediaTek talked about 5G, AI, mobile games, open architecture and other next-generation technologies. It not only came up with more practical solutions, but also provided a new direction for the development of the industry. For the industry, this is a welcome change.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Future flagship ready! Group visit to MediaTek's flagship technical media communication meeting true report six thousand four hundred and eighty-four On October 20, MediaTek held Tianji's flagship technical communication meeting. During the meeting, Yue Xiliang, Technical Manager of Wireless Communication System Development Department of MediaTek, Jiao Yucun, Deputy Director of Product Marketing of Wireless Communication Business Department, Wu Hua, Director of Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technology Business Group, Li Junnan, Director of Technology Planning of Wireless Communication Business Department, Zhuang Shirong, Product Manager of Wireless Communication Business Department, Zou Wen, Product Manager of Wireless Communication Business Department
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