
    The fate of small screen mobile phones, iPhone 13 mini, can't be saved

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Silver Shark Hand

    There is no doubt that Steve Jobs is an historic figure in the history of consumer electronics. His most famous works are well known iPhone Series. How successful is he? Even if he continues to lead Apple to dominate the market, Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, will still be criticized from time to time and complain about his "inferior" position to Jobs.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes Jobs and his iPhone (source: network)

    But even the greatest people sometimes make mistakes. Jobs mentioned 3 5 inches actually is mobile phone The gold size of the screen is obviously not in line with the market rules. Not only "3.5 inches", but not more than 6 inches Our mobile phones have almost disappeared.

    Although Apple still insists on making small screen mobile phones, the iPhone 13 mini is on the way, and the third generation of iPhone SE is also rumored everywhere. But if you want to use a new mobile phone that is a little more than 5 inches in the future, don't expect anything. The life of small screen mobile phones has come to an end. The reasons are as follows.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes Second generation iPhone SE

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    01 Small screen mobile phones are retro products that are behind the times

    If you are confused about the low sales volume of small screen phones, it will suddenly become clear when you think about other fields.

    For example, there are many classic models of cars in history, and many fans will say, "I will buy them after they are engraved", but how many people will buy them after the manufacturers are engraved? Modern cars totally surpass the so-called "classic cars" in terms of practicality. The retro products that lag behind the times cannot gain enough market share under the competition with modern products.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes The small screen mobile phone is like an old car, which is a design with poor practicability (source: network)

    In fact, the small screen phone is also the same. It lags behind the large screen phone in almost all aspects in terms of advanced functions and performance. First, the size of the screen itself means that the display immersion is lagging behind. Secondly, the small screen also means that it is inconvenient to operate, for example, in the use scenario of multitasking or editing documents, which requires careful operation. Moreover, as the overall body size shrinks, other hardware of the phone will also shrink, such as battery life and camera configuration.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes Small body, small battery (image source: network)

    The small screen mobile phone seems to meet the needs of consumers, but in fact it is an "old car" in the mobile phone world, sacrificing too many necessary hot spot capabilities. In this way, it is not surprising that small screen phones have a lower sense of existence.

    Even the iPhone series, which is influential in the mobile phone market, cannot escape this rule. Due to the poor sales, Apple iPhone 12 mini The news of production suspension has been widely spread. It seems that the iPhone 13 mini, which will be unveiled this fall, will also be the last of its kind.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes IPhone 12 mini (right)

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    02 Full single handed use has never been associated with mobile phones

    Many people's desire for small screen phones stems from their insistence on "one hand operation". They believe that large screen phones are laborious to operate with one hand and require two hands to operate. However, looking back at history, we will find that from the beginning of the birth of mobile phones, no matter how large the size, manufacturers have not avoided using both hands in product design and development.

     The fate of the small screen phone, the iPhone 13 mini, can't be saved
    Even if the size is small, it is necessary to operate with both hands

    Mobile phone is not a device that must be operated by one hand. On the contrary, when you flip the flip phone, type with physical keys, or even play Snake, your hands are more efficient. It is not difficult to see that even in the past when mobile phones were so small, we could not do without hands.

    The user's desire for single handed operation has nothing to do with what small screen phones can bring, but is just a complaint about the few shortcomings of large screen phones. As long as it is not too big for both hands to use, the "big screen" will always be a more reasonable size.

    03 Small screen phones are not Software Optimized objects for

    The third reason why the living space of small screen phones has been squeezed by large screen phones is the continuous optimization of software around large screen phones.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes IPhone 6 Plus (left) marks the end of the small screen mainstream era

    Since 2014, Apple has compromised 5.5 inches The iPhone 6 Plus on the screen has joined the big screen trend set off by Android. At the same time, there is a single hand mode in software: the system interface is shrunk and placed in a corner, which improves the ease of use of single hand operation. Although the mobile phone itself is a product with higher efficiency of two hands operation, if you insist on one hand operation, the large screen mobile phone supported by one hand mode can also replace the small screen mobile phone.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes Historic one handed mode

    If the single hand mode is a remedy for the shortcomings of large screen phones, then the next "multi window display" is the implementation of the concept of large screen phones.

    Since the early days of large screen mobile phones (Samsung Galaxy Note series), multi window display has emerged, allowing users to operate multiple APPs on one page. Today, similar functions are more mature, including split screen and floating window.

     The fate of the small screen flagship iPhone 13 mini can't be saved when it comes Multi task experience on small screen phones is not as good as that on large screen phones

    Let's not say whether it is good or not. At least, manufacturers have been taking large screen mobile phones as the platform to constantly optimize the software operation experience. The iPhone SE, a small screen phone, has no such treatment, and the path of small screen phones can only be narrowed.

    04 The future belongs to the big screen

    Although the size limit of traditional mobile phones has decreased in the past two years, exceeding 7 inches Our products have disappeared, but the trend of mobile phones to pursue large screens has not changed. It is just a change of form and continued to develop in the new category of folding screens. As long as most people can feel the pleasure brought by the impact of the large screen after the folding screen phone is unfolded, the small screen phone will not turn over. The only question now is, how long can small screen mobile phones last?

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     The fate of the small screen phone, the iPhone 13 mini, can't be saved
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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The fate of the small screen phone, the iPhone 13 mini, can't be saved true report four thousand and one hundred There is no doubt that Steve Jobs is an historic figure in the history of consumer electronics. His most famous work is the well-known iPhone series. How successful is he? Even if he continues to lead Apple to dominate the market, Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, will still be criticized from time to time and complain about his "inferior" position to Jobs. Jobs and his iPhone (source: Internet) But
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