
    Able to run under water and evaluate the AGM X3 of the 845 mobile phone

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wu Jianlin

    AGM X3 It proved to us that as a "war wolf" mobile phone ”It not only has the appearance of a tough guy, but also has a powerful inner core.

    In the current mobile phone market, the "three prevention" mobile phones tend to highlight their own "three prevention" quality, but are not very concerned about the performance system. But AGM X3 guarantees IP68 Under the condition of abnormal three prevention quality, it is also equipped with powerful Snapdragon 845 mobile processing platform AGM X3 can be called true from inside to outside“ Wolf mobile phone ”。

     Able to run under water and evaluate the AGM X3 of the 845 mobile phone

    As an ordinary consumer, it seems that there is still a certain distance between the three prevention mobile phone and our daily use, but we are very familiar with its application scenarios (falling, soaking). Due to the performance of the traditional three prevention machine, we tend to regard it as a standby machine rather than a main machine. However, AGM combines this well, providing consumers with super quality and strong processing power.

     Able to run under water and evaluate the AGM X3 of the 845 mobile phone

    It can be said that AGM X3 has opened a gap in the user market and is destined to have stronger competitiveness. The reason behind this is also very simple. It is not all kinds of dazzling black technology, but AGM X3 Hard enough strong enough

    How strong and hard is it? For the three prevention quality of AGM X3, we have made a very abnormal measurement, and friends interested in this part can directly jump to watch. As for parameter enthusiasts, everyone can also directly jump to the actual measurement link. For the test results, we can say that they are very surprising, even surprising

    How explosive is AGM X3? Let's have a look now.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Able to run under water and evaluate the AGM X3 of the 845 mobile phone // true // report one thousand and fifty-four AGM X3 has proved to us that as a "war wolf mobile phone", it not only has the appearance of a tough guy, but also has a powerful inner core. In the current mobile phone market, the "three prevention" mobile phones tend to highlight their own "three prevention" quality, but are not very concerned about the performance system. However, AGM X3 is also equipped with
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