
    At the beginning, I gave a red envelope just because I was happy with the Pro3 dual photography AI version

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Guo Zijian   |   Editor in charge: Wu Hailong

    [Zhongguancun Online] LeEco Le Pro3 dual camera AI version Evaluation: The Le Pro3 dual camera AI version is equipped with 13 million color+13 million black and white dual cameras. The color camera is responsible for capturing color, and the black and white camera is responsible for capturing light and shadow levels and details. The color sense, clarity, and sense of hierarchy can be expressed vividly. Artificial intelligence design runs through it. The intelligent AI engine can intelligently switch scenes according to the light, scenery and other influencing factors, eliminating the need for users to set the high pixels of dual 13 million cameras to take pictures, greatly improving the definition of each picture and making the color restore more plump.

    At the beginning, I gave a red envelope just because I was happy with the Pro3 dual photography AI version     

    When shooting in a dark environment, the black and white camera without Bayer filter can more accurately capture the outline details of the subject. Increase the maximum light input by twice to make the night shooting more beautiful. The LE IMAGE AI engine and color black and white lenses complement each other, filling rich colors in the precise contour, bringing the high-definition and gorgeous picture quality of dual horizons.

    The backlight AI HDR keeps the details of light and shadow to suppress overexposure and darkness. The black and white camera with Bayer filter removed brings higher light tolerance, large dynamic range, and effective recording of the brightest and darkest details and rich levels of light. Through the LE IMAGE AI engine, highlight and dark part exposure will be more closer to the real state seen by the human eye, and the image perception will be greatly improved. Get rid of the over exposed or too dark effect in backlighting, and achieve the best of both worlds.
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    The basic functions commonly used in life can be operated by voice, such as making calls, sending SMS, recording, taking selfies, turning on/off flashlights, turning off/on WiFi, etc.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: At the beginning, I gave a red envelope just because I was happy with the Pro3 dual photography AI version //

    This is about LeEco Le Pro3 dual camera AI version Report on product evaluation and LeEco Le Pro3 dual camera AI version The appearance, screen, photos, endurance, performance and other follow-up contents of, please keep an eye on Zhongguancun Online about LeEco Le Pro3 dual camera AI version Report of evaluation. true // report one thousand three hundred and eighty-four [Zhongguancun Online] LePro3 dual camera AI version evaluation: LePro3 dual camera AI version is equipped with 13 million color+13 million black and white dual cameras. The color camera is responsible for capturing color, and the black and white camera is responsible for capturing light and shadow levels and details. The color sense, clarity, and sense of hierarchy can be expressed vividly. Artificial intelligence design runs through it, intelligent AI engine, according to light, scenery
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