Conditions for joining the old noodle shop

2018-04-25 14:10:15   Source: China Franchise Network   6226 people participated
  • Scope of business: Ramen
  • Number of stores: 32
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Over time, more and more people like to eat pasta. With the opening of the two child policy, the market demand is increasing. The cost of the smart choice of the old noodle shop is not high, and the cashier space is relatively large, so it is the choice of many smart choices. therefore Conditions for joining the old noodle shop It is the concern of many intelligent candidates. The following is a brief introduction.

Soochow Noodle Restaurant has emerged in the noodle industry with a large number of brands. Its noodles are soft and chewy, and the noodle soup is delicious, which has attracted the attention of many smart selectors and consumers. The business tenet of Soochow Noodle Restaurant is health, delicious and nutritious. All the raw materials of Soochow Noodle Restaurant are carefully selected. The headquarters uniformly distributes the raw materials needed for the franchisees to improve/increase the taste uniformity. In addition, the headquarters also provides franchisees with store image design, technology and staff training, unified operation mode, etc 6 franchise support. The headquarters cooperates with major well-known media to promote and improve brand imagination and influence, which is conducive to increasing stable consumer groups.

Although Soochow Noodles has a great advantage in market wisdom, it still needs certain conditions for Soochow Noodles to join. Generally speaking, franchisees need to have full civil capacity, and need to handle legal business certificate qualifications. They also agree with the business philosophy of Soochow Noodles and abide by the relevant franchise treaties and regulations, and have a certain ability to choose wisely. The amount of wisdom of Soochow Noodles in the early stage should not be less than RMB 1 million. (For specific conditions of wisdom, friends can go to Soochow Noodles Online to check.)

What are the conditions for joining the old noodle shop? According to the analysis and introduction of Xiao Bian, Soochow Noodle Restaurant is not only famous for its brand, but also qualified for its advantages in franchise agency, so it is a very ideal smart choice for franchisees.

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Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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