How much is the franchise fee of Nanchang Laosanye Restaurant

2021-05-27 10:20:12   Source: China Franchise Network   1341 people participated
  • Business scope: Chinese food
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Nanchang Laosanye is a special catering brand focusing on authentic Nanchang talents. With authentic traditional taste and good food, this brand has conquered the taste buds of diners and become a popular online restaurant in Nanchang. The entrepreneurial industry of Nanchang Laosanye Restaurant has developed quite well, and has also received more attention and expectations. The same business brand is also worthy of being loved in the development. So, How much is the franchise fee for the old three restaurants in Nanchang? Let's follow Xiao Bian to understand.

How much is the franchise fee of Nanchang Laosanye Restaurant

As a Chinese restaurant, in addition to authentic Nanchang cuisine, Nanchang Laosanye also has creative Chinese food. The dishes pay more attention to color, smell and shape, and incorporate modern elements, making its cuisine more distinctive. Nanchang Laosanye strengthens management, constantly surpasses, and constantly improves the way of creating natural and healthy catering with consumers. All the dishes of Nanchang Laosan are clean, pure, and good in color and taste, which has won unanimous praise from consumers.

As for, how much is the franchise fee for the old three restaurants in Nanchang? According to what I learned, the headquarters of Nanchang Laosanyang Restaurant has developed a variety of franchise plans, including simple stores, standard stores, image stores and flagship stores, to meet the entrepreneurial needs of entrepreneurs at different levels. Different types of franchise have different franchise costs. On the whole, the cost of joining Nanchang Laosanyang Restaurant is between 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan, and only the fee items include joining fee of 10000 yuan to 20000 yuan, deposit of 10000 yuan to 50000 yuan, equipment/kitchen equipment and facilities, tableware and food materials procurement cost of 30000 yuan to 50000 yuan, rent, water and electricity, store decoration and other costs of 50000 yuan to 100000 yuan. The headquarters of Nanchang Laosanyang Restaurant provides full support to franchisees to help them open successfully. They provide guidance to franchisees from time to time and update technology free of charge, so that franchisees can easily join in the whole process.

Advantages of joining Nanchang Laosanye Restaurant

According to statistics, with the acceleration of the social rhythm, more than 70% of people in China are more and more interested in eating out. The traditional eating mode, which lacks nutrition, conflicts with the concept of healthy diet that people attach importance to. However, Nanchang Laosanye Restaurant has completely subverted the traditional fast food model that does not pay attention to nutrition. As a new catering brand, it has won the favor of consumers. Nanchang Laosanye Restaurant has a good prospect of joining and is profitable.

How much is the franchise fee for the old three restaurants in Nanchang? After the introduction above, I believe you all know something about it. Nanchang Laosanyang Restaurant is a brand with development prospects. It stands out from many catering franchise brands and has already demonstrated its brand value. If you have the idea of joining, let's take action.

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