Is a bowl of rice noodles authentic

2022-09-29 18:56:31   Source: Global franchise network   366 people participated
  • Business scope: catering franchise
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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When it comes to rice noodles, everyone is very familiar with them. Rice noodles are a classic food that many people like, and they have a high reputation in the domestic food and beverage market. Among them, the cross bridge rice noodles from Yunnan have always been the favorite choice of many consumers. There are also many food and beverage projects in China that mainly focus on Yunnan Cross Bridge Rice Noodle. Among them, Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodle is a chain food project with excellent development. It has excellent rice noodle food products and has been concerned and recognized by people inside and outside the industry. So, is Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodle authentic? Top?

 Zhang Yiwan joined in

Is a bowl of rice noodles authentic

Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodle is an authentic cross bridge rice noodle food. The brand has a dual invention patent. It is made of pure rice and has excellent quality on the rice noodle and can smell the rich rice fragrance. Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodles uses the boiled bone soup as the main rice noodle soup base, and uses organic fresh ingredients for ingenious production. In addition, there is no addition of preservatives and additives in the production of products, bringing healthy and green food products to consumers. In addition, Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodles also has an excellent online business model. Together with the online delivery platform, it has independently built an online sales system, and has the blessing of an online service platform.

 Zhang a bowl of rice noodles

Top ranking

Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodle is now in the top position in the domestic rice noodle catering market. The brand has had more than 20 years of brand development in China, with more than 1000 brand stores established. The brand has significant appeal and influence, and has been favored and recognized by many consumers. Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodle Headquarter has a large raw material production base, which is very reliable in brand and quality, and has a rich and mature franchise mode and support in the franchise.

So, is a bowl of rice noodles authentic? Top? Zhang Yiwan Rice Noodles has always insisted on being a healthy bowl of rice noodle food for many consumers, refusing fake rice noodles and poisonous rice noodles, bringing healthy and delicious product output to consumers, and has different types of rice noodle food combinations throughout the year, which can meet the food needs of many consumers.

  • five hundred and eight people Pay attention to rice noodles
  • eight thousand four hundred and sixty-six people Consultation Rice Noodles

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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