People are willing to lie about money


Human beings have a problem: we really like to lie. Most of the lies we tell are not even malicious. We often lie to make others or ourselves feel better. Research has found that we tell at least one lie every day, and about 40% of people are willing to lie if they know that lying can escape punishment.


As human beings, some things make us easy to lie. Even if we try to live our lives as honestly as possible, we cannot help distorting the truth. Most of our lies are not even told out of malice.


New research finds that 40% of people are very dishonest - and don't feel bad about it. The research was carried out by researchers involved in the new detective program The Heist.


2000 volunteers were shown a scene: if they found money in the ATM, how would they react? They can choose to regard it as their lucky day, or hand it in honestly.

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