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Analysis of Russian "Palatine" Integrated Electronic Warfare System

June 16, 2022 11:13 | Source: People's Daily Online - Military Channel
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According to the news from Tass News Agency on June 4, the Russian Ministry of Defense has completed the final test and operational preparation of the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system for information operations considerations and strategic needs, and the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system will soon be included in the Russian army's electronic countermeasures force sequence as a backbone force. It is reported that the system can effectively deceive and jam enemy radars and destroy electronic intelligence reconnaissance equipment. So, what kind of tactical effectiveness does the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system have? Where will the strategic game between Russia and the United States in the invisible electromagnetic space go? In this regard, interviewed military experts for interpretation.

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In modern war, non-traditional security threat factors have a growing influence on war. In the mixed battlefield including biological warfare, information warfare, terrorist attacks, public opinion warfare and other fields, information warfare has a decisive strategic significance. How to ensure the attack fulcrum of the front troops? How to ensure the coherence of the overall deployment? How to ensure the safety of our own high strategic value objectives? How to ensure that the fire data can effectively attack the effective force of the opponent? All these are based on the premise of winning information war. Undoubtedly, information countermeasure technology is gradually stepping onto the main stage of modern struggle.

The design goal of the Russian army's "Palatine" EW integrated system is to help the Russian army obtain information resource advantages in information warfare, and to remotely destroy enemy radars and various electronic reconnaissance equipment, including UAVs, through the front command's bee colony communication center and EW command system.

From the tactical capability of the "Palatine" integrated EW system, the system integrates the three elements of EW and forms an integrated EW network of "detection attack protection". The "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system has strong radio communication suppression capability, which can effectively interfere with the enemy cruise missile guidance system and communication terminals. At the moment when all kinds of UAVs are popular, the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system has purposefully upgraded its long-range destruction capability. Through electronic identification and long-range electromagnetic damage, it can accurately destroy or interfere with the enemy's UAVs, making the opponent's unmanned combat effectiveness significantly reduced.

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Compared with the threat from visible targets on the ground, in the air and even in the sea, EMP is an irresistible opponent for the armies of all countries. Skillfully master and use electromagnetic soft lethality, paralyze the opponent through intensive electromagnetic attacks, and effectively support the main force to launch multi-dimensional offensive.

As an integrated electronic warfare system, the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system itself is a unified aggregation of multiple equipment technologies, and electromagnetic soft lethality is also an important part of it. In order to achieve a wide range of tactical effects and more accurate tactical accuracy, Russia has selected an electromagnetic pulse transmitter that can effectively transmit high-power microwave for the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system.

The "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system is the product of Russia's years of technical accumulation and practical experience. Relying on a powerful electromagnetic pulse transmitter, the system can damage the enemy's electronic targets point by point. This tactical efficiency has important significance for identifying military and civilian equipment. At the same time, as the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system is an integrated combat platform integrating the three capabilities of "detection attack protection", compared with independent electromagnetic warfare weapons, the "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system does not need the support of other electronic reconnaissance equipment, eliminating the process of transferring information from reconnaissance units to destruction units, The omission of this process makes "discovery is destruction" a reality, and the operational efficiency and electronic deterrence capability have been greatly improved.

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For a long time, in order to compete for the battlefield initiative and form the strategic advantage of the invisible battlefield, the game between Russia and the United States in the invisible electronic space has been continuous and intensified. Russia has always regarded electronic warfare equipment as an important part of its own "asymmetric strategy". When it is difficult to make breakthroughs in the transformation of the country's economic size and defense industry in a short time, Russia maintains its advantage over the United States through local areas in order to expand its strategic space. The United States is looking forward to further improving its own strategic capabilities by increasing research in the field of electromagnetic countermeasures, and at the same time promoting the information operations capabilities of its allies, so as to form a powerful bee colony information center and a unified electronic warfare command system before armaments.

Since the implementation of Russia's "new look" military reform in 2008, the Russian military's electronic warfare capability has been improved by leaps and bounds. Electronic equipment with high technical level, good tactical effect and wide application targets, such as "Palatine" integrated electronic warfare system, "Hibiner" electronic warfare system and "Salamahan" electronic warfare system, has been gradually installed. At the same time, the Russian army has been constantly adjusting the organization of the electronic warfare force, devolving technical arms, hoping to form a company level combat force, and building the electronic warfare force into a trump card of "modern armed forces" in future joint operations.

Russia and the United States will never give way in the field of electronic warfare. In this invisible "ghost war", who can make breakthroughs in sophisticated electronic warfare weapons and equipment, who can take the lead in this fight, can gain further advantages in this great power game. Whether it is the development of specific military operations, the formulation of strategic plans, or the research and development of new weapons and equipment, it can be clearly seen that the Russian American game is still heating up. It remains to be seen who can take the lead in putting the Red Flag on the highland of electronic warfare. (Tan Zhen, Jiang Jiefeng, Ma Wenqing, Chen Yu)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Huang Zijuan)

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