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August 1 feature: Remember the original mission, and build a strong army

——Warmly celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the PLA

Sun Wenya, Ao Feng
15:33, August 1, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Military Channel
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The flag is flying and the bugle is loud and clear. Today, we celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the PLA. In 1993, there was a grand pass and a continuous blood supply. The people's army exists because of its mission, and demonstrates its value because of its mission. From defending the border and strengthening defense to combating terrorism and maintaining stability, from international peacekeeping to ocean escort, from rescue and disaster relief to poverty alleviation, the whole army is faithfully performing the sacred mission entrusted by the Party and the people with loyalty, responsibility, sacrifice and dedication.

Strive to build a strong military and write a brilliant history

Over the past 93 years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people's army has gone through smoke and flames of war and cut through thorns all the way. From carrying out the arduous armed revolutionary struggle, to becoming the mainstay of socialist construction, to fully committed to deepening reform in the new era, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has resolutely fulfilled the sacred mission entrusted by the Party and the people in any historical period, We have crossed thousands of rivers and mountains, overcome numerous difficulties and dangers, and achieved one brilliant victory after another, building great historical contributions for the Party and the people.

In the armed revolutionary struggle, the people's army has built a solid foundation for New China with blood and life.

The shot of Nanchang Uprising announced the birth of the people's army led by the Communist Party of China and opened a new era of Chinese revolution. From the day of its birth, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, our army has waged bloody battles with powerful enemies at home and abroad. With the firm belief that revolutionary ideals are higher than the sky, unparalleled heroism, extraordinary revolutionary perseverance, flexible strategies and tactics, our army has built a heroic force with revolutionary and combat effectiveness, We have won one great victory after another in the history of the development of the people's army. During the agrarian revolution, the Party led the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to open up revolutionary bases in the midst of white terror and successfully broke four "encirclement and suppression" campaigns. During the Anti Japanese War, the people's army gave full play to its advantages of flexibility and became the key factor influencing the trend of the war and winning the war. During the War of Liberation, the people's army defeated the Kuomintang army in a destructive manner, making a contribution to the victory of the new democratic revolution. Under the leadership of the Party, the people's army has opened up a bright future for New China in the baptism of blood and fire.

In the period of peace building, the people's army has become the strong guarantee of the Republic with its mission and responsibility.

After the founding of New China, the people's army quickly shifted from revolutionary war to peaceful construction, and began to move towards revolutionization, modernization and regularization. Under the leadership of the Party, the people's army defends national sovereignty and national interests, and guards the peace and tranquility of China's border areas with an iron like responsibility; Flood fighting, earthquake relief, with a rock like will, with flesh and blood to maintain the safety of people's lives and property. The people's army is actively engaged in socialist construction, the new great revolution of reform and opening up, fully performs the functions of defending the motherland and the people, and effectively serves and guarantees the overall situation of national reform, development and stability. It has become an indestructible steel wall, a strong guarantee for the Republic along the way, and has written a magnificent chapter in the journey of building a new China.

In the new era, the people's army has taken firm steps on the road of building a strong military through reform and innovation.

In the new era, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and President Xi Jinping, a new situation has been created in the building of national defense and the military, and a new journey has begun to build a strong military. The people's army has comprehensively implemented Xi Jinping's thought of building a strong military, strove hard to achieve the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new era, and built a world-class military in an all-round way. It has deeply promoted the building of national defense and the military, revitalized the political discipline, reshaped the organizational form, reorganized the struggle pattern, restructured the construction layout, and rebuilt the style and image, and achieved a new system, structure, and pattern It has taken a new look and has taken firm steps on the road to building a strong military with Chinese characteristics. The achievements of the modernization drive of the people's army are inspiring, and the ability to perform missions and tasks has been significantly improved. Being able to fight and win has become the strongest voice in the barracks.

Shoulder the hope of the nation and fulfill its functional mission

From bloody birth to the mainstay of resisting foreign aggression; From fighting in the south and north to building achievements, to defending the country and casting the Great Wall; Starting from the new chapter of reform and development to building a strong military; The people's army is famous for its mighty, civilized and peaceful divisions. It has won the high trust and praise of the party and the people. It is a heroic army under the command of the party, a heroic army loyal to the country, and a heroic army fighting bravely for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gather the soul of loyalty and forge the power of refined martial arts. Our military firmly establishes the guiding position of Xi Jinping's thought of building a strong military in the new era, and uses a high degree of theoretical recognition to consolidate absolute loyalty to the Party; Fully absorb the enduring military wisdom and cultural achievements of scientific and technological innovation, and develop more excellent winning ability; In the process of inheriting the red gene, we should feel the important task of building a strong military and always maintain the fighting spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death; Always maintain the people's army's political consciousness of fine style, and the moral pursuit of taking the lead, and truly establish the proper appearance of revolutionary soldiers in the new era. The people's army has been comprehensively reshaped and reborn, striding on the road of building a strong military with Chinese characteristics, showing a magnificent picture of building a strong military.

Defend national interests and provide strength guarantee. Entering a new era, China's development has reached a new historical starting point, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new stage of development, and the Chinese nation has achieved a historic leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong since modern times. It is the strategic task of China's modernization drive and the ardent expectation of the Party and the people to build a strong national defense and military commensurate with China's international status and national security and development interests. The whole army is always thinking of the Party and the people, of national sovereignty, national security and territorial integrity, of national defense and military building, of national security and safety, of military responsibility, of preparing for war and waiting for the day to come, of fighting for the motherland and the people, and of accelerating national defense and military building with a high spirit and a fearless attitude of struggle, We will resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests, ensure the country's long-term stability, prosperity and development, and provide a strong guarantee for the realization of the "Two Centenary Goals" and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Maintain world peace, stability, prosperity and development. At present, the world security situation is not optimistic, geopolitical competition among major countries is intensifying, wars and chaos continue in some regions, and the threat of terrorism is even more prominent. The complex and severe national security situation and risk challenges can only be supported by a strong military force, so that peaceful development can be guaranteed and prosperity can have a foundation. The determination and confidence of the people's army to fulfill its mission and tasks are rock solid. At no time and under no circumstances will it give up safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the country or sacrifice the core interests of the country. The whole army has launched a great upsurge of combat oriented military training, made solid preparations for military struggles in all strategic directions, comprehensively improved its ability to prepare for war in the new era, and enhanced its ability to carry out diversified military tasks in a broader space; Actively adapt to the strategic needs of the reform of the international system and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, play a greater role in maintaining the peaceful international environment and the surrounding environment, and always be a firm force in safeguarding world peace.

Grasp the requirements of the times and ensure the goal of building a strong military

The new era is the era of strivers, and the cause of building a strong military is the cause of continuous struggle. In the face of complicated situations and the requirements of the times for building a strong country and a strong military, the people's army must obey the historical mission of serving the Party, grasp the strategic needs of national security in the new era, resolutely fulfill the mission and tasks of the new era entrusted by the Party and the people, and move from bloody glory to the world.

Always adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party, continue the red blood and inherit the red gene. In the glorious course of 93 years, the fundamental reason why our army can withstand various tests and move from victory to victory is the absolute leadership of the Party over the people's army. This is not only the inevitable result of historical inheritance, but also the objective requirement of the development of the times. Adhering to the Party's absolute leadership over the people's army has a bearing on the nature and purpose of our army, the future and destiny of socialism, the long-term stability of the Party and the country, and is the foundation and soul of our army. In the great journey of achieving the goal of building a strong military in the new era, the whole military should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Building a Strong Military, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards". We should comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the Party and Party building in the new era, and implement the spirit of the Gutian Military Political Work Conference and the Central Military Commission Party building Conference. We should carry out the education on the theme of "never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind" and the education on the theme of "inheriting the red gene and undertaking the important task of building a strong military" in a coordinated manner, lay a solid ideological and political foundation for listening to the Party's command and fulfilling the mission, cast a solid "root" and "soul" of the people's army, and continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of the people's army.

Always adhere to the combat effectiveness standard and face the future battlefield to ensure decisive victory. Firmly establishing the only fundamental standard of combat effectiveness is the internal requirement for achieving the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new era. It is not only related to the strength of the military, but also to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As an armed group carrying out the Party's political tasks, our army must always take the Party's flag as the banner and the Party's direction as the direction. Keep in mind that being able to fight and win is the key to building a strong military, and build and prepare according to the standards of fighting. We should focus on improving the combat level of military training, comprehensively improve the joint combat capability, refine the combat effectiveness standards with specific indicators, and use the combat effectiveness "baton" to bring all aspects of work together, so as to forge a elite force that can fight and win when called. We should speed up the building of national defense and the military in the spirit of seizing every minute of the day, live up to the expectations of the Party and the people with absolute loyalty and the courage to fight and win, and work hard to win the information war and build a world-class military.

Always adhere to strict discipline and rules, and promote the rule of law and strict military management. "Strengthening discipline and making revolution invincible" is a basic experience formed in the long-term revolutionary practice of our party and army, and an important guarantee for our army to overcome all difficulties. We should continue to strengthen the work of running the military according to law, strengthen the belief and thinking in the rule of law, and promote the rule of law in national defense and military building. We should thoroughly promote the overall strict management of the military, never relax the promotion of good conduct, discipline and anti-corruption, and pay close attention to the construction of work style with perseverance and perseverance on the road forever. We should implement strict discipline and rules to all aspects and the whole process of strengthening the leadership of the military party, and continue to purify the military political ecology. We will comprehensively improve the modernization of national defense and the armed forces, and provide a strong style of work for the reform, construction and development of the armed forces.

When the wind is right and the tide is flat, you should set sail and break the waves; There is still a long way to go, and we need to walk quickly and steadily. The heroic people's army must remember its original mission, work hard to build a strong military, strive to create a new situation of building a strong military in the new era, and constantly create a better future for the people's army under the leadership of the Party. (The authors are respectively a researcher of the International Issues Research Center of the School of Arts and Science, National University of Defense Technology, and an associate professor of the School of Arts and Science, National University of Defense Technology.)

(Editor in charge: Huang Zijuan, Bai Yu)

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