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A "special" national defense education

Time of publication: 2024-03-04 21:24:00 Author: Lv Xiaobo, Wang Yang, Xie Tingting, Zhao Lei, Liu Xiaolei, Ding Qingyu, Hu Ji'an, Wang Ping, Gong Anyuan, Zheng Huan Source: China Youth Daily client

More than 5000 kilometers, which is the distance between Anqing City, Anhui Province and the Karakoram Plateau. In recent days, Han Qiang, a retired veteran of Anqing regiment of Xinjiang Military Region stationed in the Karakoram Plateau, was invited to many schools that had been connected to the "cloud" for many times after returning home, bringing the story of the plateau officers and soldiers defending the country and the border into the campus. Special national defense education courses encourage young students to learn the indomitable and indomitable spirit of border guards, transform patriotism into motivation for hard study, strive to grow into pillars of the country, and contribute to the development of the motherland.

Editor in charge: Wang Peinan