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Notice on Further Regulating and Improving the Order of Coal Production and Operation (FGY [2016] No. 593) Development and Reform Commission (Energy Bureau), Economic and Information Commission (Commission of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Industry and Information Technology), Coal Department (Bureau), Human Resources and Social Security Department of each coal producing province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) Details

Asia Europe Energy Network: After the mobilization and deployment meeting of the group company for learning, education and practice of "two learning, one doing", Pingzhuang Coal Industry organized learning and implementation in a timely manner, and printed and distributed the implementation plan of "Pingzhuang Coal Industry carries out learning party rules and regulations, learning a series of speeches, and being a qualified party member for learning and education", which clearly defined Details

Conscientiously implementing the new Coal Mine Safety Regulations and comprehensively improving the level of coal mine safety assurance - Yang Fu, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, answered questions about the revision of the Coal Mine Safety Regulations. On February 25, 2016, Yang Huanning, Director of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, signed No. 87 Details

Asia Europe Energy Network News: In order to follow Guizhou on the cloud• Recently, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province issued the Implementation Plan for Safe Cloud Construction. The construction goal of this plan is to draw up a pilot plan by the end of 2015, taking the coal mining field as a breakthrough Details

On November 16, Liu Chaolun, secretary of the Party branch of the overhaul company, presided over a special learning meeting, conveyed the study and implementation of the Code of Integrity and Self discipline of the Communist Party of China and the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment, and ordered the overhaul company to carry out relevant implementation work. Management personnel of the maintenance company Details

Coal mine safety supervision departments, coal industry management departments, provincial coal mine safety supervision bureaus and relevant units of all coal producing provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the coal mine safety monitoring system has become a coal mine Details

Notice on Soliciting Opinions on the Administrative Measures of Shanxi Province on the Transfer of Coal Resources Mining Rights (Draft for Public Comments)《 Details

All coal supervision sub bureaus are now forwarding to you the Circular of the Office of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety on Problems Found in the Special Inspection of Coal Mine Gas Control (Coal Safety Supervision Office [2015] No. 28, hereinafter referred to as the Circular of the State Administration). Please draw inferences from one instance based on the actual situation Details

The Proposal proposes that we should deepen the implementation of the Western Development, support the western region to improve infrastructure, develop distinctive industries and strengthen ecological environment protection. Promote the revitalization of old industrial bases such as northeast China, promote the rise of central China, increase national support, and accelerate Details

ASEM News: In accordance with the requirements of the city's implementation of the Nine Rigid Measures for Strengthening Coal Mine Safety, Shizhu County has formulated the Declaration and Approval System for Underground Mining Operations and the Declaration and Approval System for the Number of Underground Workers in Coal Mines in combination with the actual situation Details

Asia Europe Energy Network: In order to further strengthen and improve the working mechanism of linking administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and effectively crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts found in the coal mine safety supervision and law enforcement, according to the spirit of the relevant meetings of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Shanxi Province, Yangquan Coal Mine Supervision Branch has formulated the Coal Mine Details

ASEM Energy Network: Recently, Shaanxi Coal Regulatory Bureau formulated the implementation opinions of the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Supervision and Law Enforcement of Work Safety, and the reporter sorted out 10 specific measures. First, after the promulgation and revision of national laws, regulations, rules and standards, Shaanxi Coal Mine Supervision Bureau Details

In order to implement the national preferential policies on coal resources tax, on October 21, the Provincial Department of Coal Industry and the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau jointly announced that our province will implement preferential policies on coal resources reduction for some coal mines, including coal mining in the depletion period Details

On October 19, Shanxi Local Taxation Bureau and Shanxi Provincial Department of Coal Industry issued the Announcement on Matters Related to the Implementation of Preferential Policies for Coal Resource Tax, which specifically announced various preferential measures for coal resource tax. For exhausted coal mine Details

In order to further strengthen the work of coal mine safety in the province and effectively implement the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Work of Coal Mine Safety (GBF [2013] No. 99), on September 1, the General Office of Sichuan Provincial Government issued the Details

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