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Yimei Company pays attention to safety, promotes production and controls cost

Source: Release time: 2017-07-21 17:43:00

Asia Europe Energy network : On July 14, after the Group Company held the economic operation analysis meeting in the first half of the year, Yimei Company acted quickly to actively promote and implement the spirit of the meeting, which set off an upsurge of learning and implementing the spirit of the meeting within the enterprise.

Safety is the foundation to further consolidate the safety foundation. Improve ideological awareness, focus on key links, pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, and strictly prevent all kinds of accidents. The personnel in charge of each link should move forward and have clear ideas, so as to curb potential safety hazards and accident symptoms from the source; We should pay close attention to the change of cadres' work style, further improve the level of safety management, plug security loopholes, scientifically organize production, strictly implement the main responsibility of safety production, and resolutely eliminate the blind area of responsibility; Strict attention should be paid to detail management, so that safety work is based on a reliable foundation guarantee of a solid style of work and due diligence. We should do a good job in environmental safety, do a good job in the "three prevention" in rainy season, do a good job in safety management, do a good job in the stability of letters and visits, and increase accountability to ensure that all measures are implemented to ultimately achieve safe production.

Production is the key link, and multiple measures are taken to ensure the successful realization of the annual production target. Continuously carry out the activities of "three optimization, three reduction and three improvement", optimize the coal mining process planning in the east and west, carry out the design of large stope and large working face, upgrade and transform the large working face of the central mine, and achieve safe and efficient production; Actively promote the heavy equipment of the working face, improve the mechanization level, reduce personnel input, and ensure the normal mining replacement; Continuously carry out labor competition, optimize labor organization, formulate measures to improve the per unit yield and per unit income, and ensure to improve the level of per unit yield and per unit income; Promote advanced support technology, optimize roadway support design, improve support strength, reduce support cost, improve tunneling efficiency, reduce labor intensity, and reduce roadway repair times.

Management is the key to achieve refined cost control. Further strengthen the comprehensive budget management, adhere to the principle of determining expenditure based on income, and strictly control capital investment; Take multiple measures to reduce and stop losses, focus on the promotion of contractual management, promote the experience and practice of internal marketization, adhere to the scientific optimization of production layout, process flow and production links, strengthen and improve the management of waste materials, increase the recovery and reuse of materials, and ensure cost reduction and efficiency increase; Strengthen fund management and control, continue to increase the efforts to clear up debts for goods, strengthen organizational leadership, subdivide the tasks of clearing up debts, clarify the person responsible for clearing up debts, earnestly focus on clearing up debts as a major event, reduce capital occupation, and prevent and control business risks. (Gao Yong)

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