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Hunan Energy Regulatory Office Releases the Early Warning and Monitoring Information of Power Coal in 2016

Source: Asia Europe Energy Network Published on: 2017-03-02 08:55:51

Asia Europe Energy network The Hunan Energy Regulatory Office recently released the "2016 Hunan Power Coal Early Warning and Monitoring Information Bulletin" at the 2017 Hunan Power System First Joint Meeting of Power Plants and Networks. The report shows that the price of power coal in Hunan Province rose in 2016, and the transport capacity of power coal was tight after winter.

From the perspective of power coal sources: 13 thermal power enterprises purchased 25.4618 million tons of power coal in 2016, an increase of 33.62% over 2015 (19.0559 million tons), of which 79% was purchased from other provinces, which dominated the power coal market.

From the perspective of power coal price: the price of power coal has been falling all the way since 2014, and hit the bottom after reaching the lowest price in April 2016. Since May 2016, the price of thermal coal has continued to rise rapidly. By December, the tax inclusive price of standard coal from the main power plants to the plants in the province reached the annual maximum of 1034 yuan/ton. In the whole year, the average tax inclusive price of standard coal to the main power plants in the province reached 808 yuan/ton, up 195 yuan/ton or 30.96% from 617 yuan/ton in 2015.

From the calorific value of thermal coal, the average quality of thermal coal purchased by 13 thermal power enterprises in 2016 was relatively good, and the average calorific value of incoming coal was 4854 kcal/kg. On the whole, the quality of foreign coal and provincial coal was slightly higher than that of provincial coal. The calorific value of coal in this province is 4174 kcal/kg; The calorific value of coal from other provinces is 4961 kcal/kg; The calorific value of foreign coal is 4984 kcal/kg.

From the perspective of transportation mode, railway and water transportation are the main modes of transportation. After winter, the transportation capacity of both modes of transportation is tight.

The whole province consumed 25.71 million tons of electricity coal. By the end of December, the thermal coal inventory of 13 major thermal power enterprises was 2.72 million tons. Compared with 2.97 million tons in the same period last year, it decreased by 250000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 8%.

It is expected that after the peak winter in February 2017, with the arrival of the slack season for coal consumption and the impact of various national policies to ensure supply and stabilize coal prices, the power coal market will enter a rational callback period, the power coal supply and demand relationship will develop in a loose direction, and the coal price will continue to decline, accelerating to decline in the middle of the year, but the average annual price is still high.


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