Do you have training for joining Toudao Tang? Have you no experience to learn

2023-10-01 12:34:07   Source: Global franchise network   451 people participated
  • Scope: Hair health management
  • Number of stores: 6000
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Due to irregular daily life and sunlight, people's hair has more and more problems, such as dry, forked, irritable, etc., which affects health and beauty. Therefore, the majority of citizens will choose Toudaotang hair salon for maintenance, which can make hair more and more strong, healthier, and meet the needs of current consumers, With a stable customer source in the market, interested entrepreneurs want to know whether there is training for joining Toudou Tang? Can you learn without experience?

 First Soup

Do you have training for joining Toudao Tang? Have you no experience to learn

In 2003, Toudaotang Hair Care House was established, with its headquarters located in Guangzhou. It is a brand focusing on healthy hair care. It has developed new products and tools with strong production force, and provided corresponding services according to the actual situation of consumers, so that customers entering the store can be more satisfied. The company has rich experience in the development process of 20 years, and will provide relevant training for franchisees, such as technical training, operation training, management training, etc. Entrepreneurs without experience can easily learn.

What are the service items of Toudao Soup

Toudaotang Health Care Center Co., Ltd. operates online and offline at the same time. Consumers can make an appointment online on the APP, directly enter the store for consumption, and reduce the queuing time, which not only brings great convenience to consumers, but also provides more customers for the brand. The company carries out a complete range of services, including head massage, traditional Chinese medicine head treatment, acupoint massage, deep nourishment, etc., to meet the health needs of consumers of different ages.

 First course soup

How many employees are needed to join Toudao Tang

In the process of running Toudao Tang Health and Hair Salon's franchise branch, entrepreneurs need to hire employees according to the actual business needs, at least four to eight employees. Each person's work content is different, such as marketing, management, cashier, etc., to maintain the normal operation of the franchise branch.

Is there any training for joining Toudao Tang? Can you learn without experience? Toudao Soup Health Care Center has launched more than 2000 franchised chain stores in the market, bringing consumers in different cities with healthier and more professional head treatment and health care projects, and establishing an excellent brand image in the industry.

 Sanzhu Kangmei
  • eight hundred and thirty people Focus on hairdressing
  • eleven thousand and thirty-five people Consulting hairdressing

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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