Several self-made plant dyes can make your hair color better!

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The small editor introduces several self-made plant dyes to make your hair color better!

First of all, plant dye refers to the use of substances extracted from plant stems and leaves to dye hair. Today, we introduce three self-made plant dyes!

1、 Henna is the scientific name of henna, and "henna powder" can be bought in pharmacies. It has red brown pigment. Arabs have long cultivated this plant, using its juice to dye their nails and decorate themselves. According to records, Cleopatra used henna to dye her hair.

Discoloration: reddish brown


Step 1: Add hot tea, proper amount of honey, and an egg, and then add Henna powder, stir well, and add a little olive oil.

Step 2: Wet clean hair with water.

Step 3: Use about 40g for short hair and 80g for long hair. Increase or decrease according to the length and thickness of the hair. Use a comb to evenly smear the mixed cream on the hair.

Step 4: Wrap your hair in a plastic bathing cap or plastic bag. Xiaobian reminds you to wrap a towel outside as much as possible, and wash it with warm water 4 to 6 hours later.

2、 Lemon contains fruit acid. The "corrosion" of fruit acid has a bleaching effect, but it has little stimulation on hair and scalp, and can gently decolorize.

Discoloration: red


Step 1: Prepare 8 lemons and squeeze the juice.

Step 2: Apply lemon juice to your hair.

Step 3: After drying with a hot hair dryer, apply lemon juice again, blow again, and then apply again. Repeat this for three times.

Step 4: After the third drying, wrap it with a hot towel for 15 minutes.

Step 5: Rinse it with warm water once a day. After two or three days, your hair will turn dark red.

3、 Chrysanthemum morifolium has the dual identity of drink and traditional Chinese medicine. It does not contain pigment, but one of its components, amino acid, has obvious fading function. Moreover, the inulin, flavonoids, vitamins and microelements contained in it can also maintain hair.

Discoloration: beige


Step 1: Soak 50g chrysanthemum in boiling water for 20 minutes.

Step 2: Soak all hair with "chrysanthemum water", wrap it with a hot towel for one hour, and then air dry it and wash it with water.

Step 3: Continuous use for 3 to 5 days.

 Sanzhu Kangmei
  • eight hundred and thirty people Focus on hairdressing
  • eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-four people Consulting hairdressing

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