Dikuo plant hair care: health science hair care under the epidemic situation, don't know, come and watch!

2022-09-01 13:51:16   Source: Global franchise network   559 people participated
  • Business scope: Yangfa
  • Number of stores: 900
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Under the epidemic, as protected ordinary people, we can take advantage of this time to make a year-round maintenance plan for our hair, in addition to staying at home, following the commands of the community and village committee, not going out, not meeting, not adding chaos, and not spreading rumors.

In this special period, the irregular work and rest at night, the reduced frequency of hair washing, and the greasy diet during the Spring Festival are likely to cause too much oil to accumulate on the scalp, resulting in hair follicle blockage or scalp inflammation, and also easy to cause too much dandruff to accumulate on the scalp, resulting in severe folliculitis.

And when the head is itchy, you can't help scratching your scalp with your nails. If your nails scratch your scalp, these bacteria accumulated for a long time are easy to infect the wound and aggravate the bacterial infection.

If the hair health problem is ignored, it will gradually lead to the imbalance of scalp and hair growth environment, damage of hair follicles, affect hair growth, and even dry, bifurcated, irritable, thin and fragile hair, or serious alopecia.

To strengthen personal protection, you must start from scratch!

Dikuo has maintained its hair scientifically for 21 days, and a new war has begun after the epidemic!

Why scientific hair care?

The purpose of Dikuo's scientific hair care is to protect our hair and scalp. If we take 365 days as a scientific package plan according to the hair care cycle, we will have hair care twice in the first month, once in the next 25 days, and 17 times a year, that is, scientific hair care in 21 days.

Planned and scientific hair care can keep our scalp in a healthy state all the time. In Dikuo hair care powder, each powder is rich in a variety of plant nutrients and nutrients, and the maintenance, repair and dyeing are completed simultaneously. At the same time of hair care, it can deeply nourish the hair roots, nourish the hair filaments, change the scalp microenvironment, so as to remove dandruff and relieve itching, turn white hair into black, firm the hair roots, and nourish the hair filaments, Build scalp health guards.

With the outbreak of this epidemic, let's redefine health once again. Of course, as a member of Dikuo, we are lucky to be engaged in the health industry.

In the future, there will be no sharing of father, car or house,

It's about health and resistance. A lifetime without health is nothing!

Let healthy plant hair care become a new trend!

Dikuo hair care powder series, external hair care (improve yellowness, rashness, improve hair gloss, soft and elegant, smooth to the end); Internal scalp care (to promote blood circulation in the head), so that you can fully show the beauty, self-confidence, calm and charm of contemporary people!

Dikuo health science hair care, everyone has begun to act, do not hesitate, when you are still hesitating, others have been faster than you!

There is another sentence that has exploded our circle of friends

How long can your savings last in the face of the epidemic?

The arrival of 2020 has confirmed that the plan cannot catch up with changes

At present, Dikuo franchise stores nationwide still operate online and offline

Because of strong team support

Really easy to operate


When winter goes and spring comes, everything will recover,

The mountains and rivers are safe, and the world is safe!

The upsurge of health science and hair care under the epidemic situation,

After the epidemic, a new war has begun,

Please believe that we will fight back the epidemic, embrace victory,

Let's work together and wait for the spring flowers to bloom!

We are waiting for you in Dikuo!

 Sanzhu Kangmei
  • one thousand three hundred and seventy people Focus on hairdressing
  • nine thousand eight hundred and seventy people Consulting hairdressing

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