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On a cold night, a good story can be made by "following the class" and stepping on the gravel railway line during the Spring Festival

Huang Lin
14:38, February 12, 2019 | Source: China Press, Publication, Radio and Television News
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Original title: "Follow the class" on a cold night, step over the gravel, and travel on the railway line during the Spring Festival - a good story can be made by stepping on it

On January 24, Wu Chongyuan, a reporter of the Qianjiang Evening News, followed the railway workers on an outside inspection tour, leaving his back walking on the gravel in the mountains. Photographed by Zhong Haowei


Wu Chongyuan, a reporter from the news center of Qianjiang Evening News, has been running the railway line for six years. Stories on the railway line always excite him. In this year's "Spring Festival goes to the grassroots", Wu Chongyuan is also "soaking" on the railway line.

In December 2017, Yanglin Station of Quzhou Jiulong Railway was opened, and Yao Xu, Cai Di and Li Ran, three "post-90s", became line maintenance workers stationed at the station. During the Spring Festival, in order to ensure the safety of train operation, the three railway people had to speed up the maintenance of more than 40 kilometers of lines across Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces in the early morning when the train was empty. As the sun rises, when the train carrying a full train of passengers from Yanglin Station runs to Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangxi, Hubei and other popular places to return home, they quietly disappear from the public's eyes behind the scenes.

Wu Chongyuan decided to approach the three "post-90s".

At 2:20 a.m. on January 24, Wu Chongyuan got up according to the schedule of railway workers. Ten minutes later, when Wu Chongyuan came to the meeting room of Yanglin Station, Yao Xu and his colleagues were already preparing for the roll call and safety study before the operation. During the Spring Festival travel, the trains are relatively concentrated during the daytime. Only the time period from 4:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. is a "skylight period" when there is no train passing. They must seize the time to check the lines and identify possible problems.

At 3:39 a.m., the last train passed Yanglin Station. Wu Chongyuan put on his reflective vest and safety headlights, and followed the staff on the track. On the mountainside at night, there was a chill. "It was dark all around. In less than an hour, my hands and face were sore with cold and my nose was running." Wu Chongyuan recalled the scene to the reporter of China News, Publication, Radio and Television News.

At 6:30 in the morning, it was dawn. After working all night, Wu Chongyuan had already yawned, but Yao Xu's work was not finished. After experiencing the twinkling of stars at night and seeing the gorgeous sunrise in the east, Wu Chongyuan sighed: "If not for personal experience, it is hard to imagine the feeling of loneliness and fear that there is no light around in the cold below zero degrees Celsius. I can't see the shocking pictures of half kneeling on the frosted railway track to check the smoothness, nor can I feel the joy and excitement when welcoming the dawn and sunrise here."

From 2:30 a.m. to 8:10 a.m., the first bullet train passed, and three railway people completed the overhaul and maintenance of Qujiu Railway near Yanglin Station in Zhejiang Jiangxi border all night long. In addition to the patrol on the line at night, the linemen stationed at Yanglin Station also need to inspect the protective net, piers, tunnels and other external facilities along the Qujiu Railway in the daytime.

At 1:30 p.m. on January 24, after a short rest, Wu Chongyuan followed Yao Xu and Li Ran again, taking tools such as hammers, shovels, three tooth harrows and so on, to carry out outside inspection. "There is no way to climb the mountain. I walked on the gravel along the fence net, which was slippery and steep, and I stumbled with my camera on my back." Wu Chongyuan said with a smile, "We turned over two mountains in two hours and were very happy when we walked on the flat road, but the other party told me that we had only walked 1.5 kilometers, and the whole patrol route was 40 kilometers long. Sometimes they could walk three pairs of shoes in a month. They were really respected at that time. "

At the end of the interview, Wu Chongyuan said firmly: "I want to dig deep here, dig and record more stories that are rarely known, and tell readers with my own pen and camera. I think it is my duty."

(Editor in charge: Zhao Guangxia, Song Xinrui)

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