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Feedback on opinions and suggestions of Administrative Measures for Social Work Supervision Talents in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Trial) and Administrative Measures for Social Work Talent Pool in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Trial) (Draft for Comments)
Date: February 1, 2024 Source: Charity Promotion and Social Work Division of the Department of Civil Affairs of the Autonomous Region

In order to strengthen the supervision and management of social work in the autonomous region, actively introduce social work talent experts to participate in the research, consultation and demonstration of social work development planning, laws and policies, important documents, standards and norms, effectively use the resources of the expert database, and strengthen the operation and management of the expert database, According to the Notice of the Department of Civil Affairs of the Autonomous Region on the Establishment of an Expert Pool of Social Work Professionals and the Social Work Supervision Guide( MZ T 166 two thousand and twenty-one )As required, the Department of Civil Affairs of the Autonomous Region drafted the Administrative Measures for Social Work Supervisors in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Trial) and the Administrative Measures for Social Work Experts in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Trial) (Draft for Comments) , on two thousand and twenty-three year twelve month twenty-six Solstice two thousand and twenty-four year one month twenty-six On October 1, the website of the Department of Civil Affairs was widely open to the public for comments. No feedback was received during the publicity period.

Department of Civil Affairs of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

two thousand and twenty-four year one month three one day

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