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Whether AI intelligence, which notebook manufacturers are playing with, shows muscle or is it really efficient

After the competition of performance, endurance and portability, PC manufacturers have entered a new era - AI intelligence.

There is no doubt that AI has become one of the hottest words in human society today. As a PC device with natural advantages, it will naturally become the pioneer of AI in the whole human society. Therefore, more and more manufacturers are embedding AI concepts into their products, including the HP Star 14 Pro high-performance Flimsy edition

Speaking of HP Star 14 Pro I believe everyone is familiar with the AI element on his body. It is true that Huixiaowei has a very high appearance rate in recent years. When it comes to Huixiaowei in HP Star 14 Pro, its playability is quite high. You can wake it up when the cover is closed. At the same time, in the process of communication with her, the flashing breath light will give you a real sense of interaction. Even many times, listening to the clear voice of Hui Xiaowei, I will feel that she is a friend beside me in a trance. On call, tell you all the information you want to know quickly; It can also keep quiet and guard silently, waiting for your call.

I usually follow dramas and watch movies. Because of my poor English, I can't chew raw meat at all. At this time, you can open the subtitle translation of Huixiaowei, and my mother will no longer have to worry about my poor English and my inability to understand the plot. After a movie viewing, you can also select "Save Text" and "Save Sound" to save your lines. OMG! I feel sorry for the microenterprise even if my English level does not reach Grade 8. Of course, if you are taking online classes or attending meetings, it can also help you record sounds and texts, which is equivalent to carrying a stenographer with a high level of English.

Huixiaowei, which is proficient in 18 kinds of martial arts, also supports voice input and meeting notes, both of which support real-time Chinese English/English Chinese translation. This function is designed for people like me who are not good at English and have to interview foreigners occasionally. It can not only record your voice in real time and translate it into English, but also switch to English Chinese when the other party answers questions, so that they can communicate directly without obstacles!

For people like the author who deal with words all the year round, the intelligent error correction and screenshot map recognition functions integrated by Huixiaowei are also considerate. In writing an article, it is hard to avoid typos, but it is not easy to find typos in large paragraphs of text. Intelligent error correction can help you find possible errors almost instantly, saving time, trouble and effort. This function is very considerate.

Screenshot recognition is even more powerful, it can directly identify the text in the picture. Not only that, Huixiaowei can identify the text in the picture and copy it, which is not only convenient, but also effective in improving daily office efficiency.

What about? This is my new friend Hui Xiaowei. I have to say that she is really good at fighting. Some complicated things can be solved directly by "saying a word".

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