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Zhejiang Medical and Health Recruitment Examination in 2022: a review of key examination sites: regular examination sites for medical interviews

Zhejiang Zhonggong Education 2022-02-21 16:46:14

Zhejiang Zhonggong Education Remind you to pay attention to the 2022 Zhejiang Medical and Health Recruitment Examination: [2022 Zhejiang Medical and Health Recruitment Examination: the development and breakthrough of Internet medicine under the shadow of the epidemic]. In recent years, the interview of nursing specialty in the medical and health system is aimed at the particularity of nursing workers' work. From the perspective of the form of the examination, there is overlap between the content of this part of the examination and the written examination, but the examinees need not worry, because, compared with the written examination, the interview selection is basically the most common and basic professional knowledge

In recent years, the interview of nursing specialty in the medical and health system is aimed at the particularity of nursing workers' work. From the perspective of the form of the examination, there is overlap between the content of this part of the examination and the written examination, but the examinees need not worry, because, compared with the written examination, the interview selection is basically the most common and basic professional knowledge. Now we will list some common knowledge points according to the interview of public institutions in 2021, as a reference for public institutions in 2022.

The first type examines nursing operation skills, mainly including operation process, precautions, operation principles, etc. The most frequently investigated operations include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, intravenous infusion, aseptic operation, and measurement of vital signs.

The second type is to examine the treatment of common clinical diseases. For example: treatment of penicillin anaphylactic shock, treatment of CO poisoning patients, etc. It mainly examines the candidates' clinical practice ability.

The third type is related to nursing ethics, laws and regulations, etc. This kind of examination is relatively small and requires examinees to read the notice carefully. For example, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory divides needs into five categories: physiological needs, security needs, needs for belonging and love, needs for respect and needs for self realization, which are arranged from lower level to higher level.

The above is our summary of the important examination points for the public institution interview. Now let's give you a question to practice.

[Example] The patient Zhang, 26 years old, with a temperature of 38.6 ℃ and a pulse of 116 times per minute, was admitted with a chief complaint of "cough and expectoration" and was diagnosed as "acute bronchitis". Doctor's advice: penicillin skin test. Five minutes after the skin test, the patient developed chest tightness, shortness of breath, itchy skin, and cold sweat. The measured blood pressure was 70/50mmHg. What might be the problem with the patient? How to rescue?

[Reference answer]

According to the clinical manifestations of the patient, it can be judged that the patient had penicillin anaphylactic shock. The following measures should be taken:

(1) Stop taking medicine immediately, lie on the ground, report to the doctor, and rescue on the spot.

(2) Drugs: ① Preferred drug: 0.1% adrenaline hydrochloride 0.5~1ml, injected subcutaneously, has the effect of contracting blood vessels, increasing peripheral resistance, exciting myocardium, increasing cardiac output and relaxing bronchial smooth muscle. If not, 0.5 ml can be injected subcutaneously or intravenously every 30 minutes until it is out of danger. ② Antiallergic drugs: dexamethasone 5~10mg intravenous injection; Hydrocortisone 200mg+5% glucose solution 500ml intravenous drip. ③ Antihistamines: Promethazine hydrochloride 25mg or diphenhydramine 40mg intramuscular injection. ④ Pressure boosting drugs: dopamine or norepinephrine. ⑤ Blood volume expanding drugs: intravenous infusion of 10% glucose solution or balanced solution.

(3) Oxygen inhalation, if necessary, give respiratory stimulants (nikethamide or lobeline). If there is laryngeal edema, tracheotomy shall be performed immediately.

(4) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and tracheal intubation shall be performed immediately for patients with sudden cardiac arrest.

(5) Closely observe the changes of patients' vital signs, consciousness, urine volume, etc., and pay attention to keeping warm. The patient should not be moved until he is out of danger.

(6) Psychological nursing: if the patient wakes up, ease the patient's anxiety and let the patient actively cooperate with the treatment.

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Next: Zhejiang Medical and Health Recruitment Examination in 2022: What do you want to know most about undergraduate and graduate nursing students

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