National civil servants

National civil servants > Application guidance > Number of applicants >

2.252 million people participated in the 2024 written national examination, with an enrollment ratio of about 57:1

On November 26, 2023, the written examination of public subjects for the 2024 annual examination for the recruitment of civil servants by the central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions was held simultaneously in 237 cities and 87682 examination halls in 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) across the country. A total of 2.613 million examinees were registered and confirmed before the examination, and 2.252 million actually participated in the examination. The reference rate was about 86.2%. The ratio of the number of examinees to the number of recruitment plans was about 57.1, There are 234000 invigilators, tour examiners and examiners who provide service guarantee.

According to the unified deployment, the relevant departments in all regions have strengthened leadership, carefully arranged, carefully organized, and closely cooperated, optimized examination services, prevented cheating in examinations, and created a fair, just, and safe examination environment. The vast number of examinees carefully abide by the examination discipline, honest reference, civilized reference, the overall order of the examination, the examination style and discipline are good.

Original title: The written examination of public subjects for the 2024 annual examination for the recruitment of civil servants by the central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions will be held today


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National civil servants <

Enrollment information

Exam Announcement 99 Examination syllabus 99 Position Table 99 Registration Entrance 99 Printing exam admission cards 99 Score inquiry 99 Qualification review 99 Interview Announcement 99 Physical examination 99 Employment publicity 99

Application guidance

Application Guide 99 Number of applicants 99

Reading materials

Comprehensive guidance 99 Line test 99 Argument 99 Interview 99 Current affairs and politics 99

Examination question bank

Line test 99 Argument 99 Interview 99 Professional knowledge of public security 99

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