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2024 When is the deadline for Tianjin civil service examination registration

Tianjin Zhonggong Education 2024-03-05 16:03:58

two thousand and twenty-four Tianjin Civil Servant Examination When is the registration deadline? A survey of tianjin The deadline for registration is 18:00 on January 29. The registration website is a public service platform for Tianjin personnel examination online registration. Candidates can only choose one position to register, and the application materials submitted should be complete, true and accurate. The written examination will be held from March 16 to 17.

(1) Position Query

The recruitment positions, number of candidates, qualification conditions, examination categories, consultation telephone, etc. of the recruitment authority can register the public service platform "Tianjin Public Recruitment of Civil Servants in 2024" through the Tianjin Personnel Examination Online (website: http://rsks.hrss.tj.gov.cn , hereinafter referred to as the public recruitment website).

(2) Online registration

Registration time: 8:30, January 23 to 18:00, January 29.

Qualification examination time: 8:30, January 23 to 18:00, January 30.

Candidates can only choose one position to register, and the application materials submitted should be complete, true and accurate. If false application materials are provided, and relevant certificates, materials and information are forged or altered to obtain examination qualifications, they will be seriously dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations.

The recruitment authority shall review the qualification of the application submitted by the candidate, and put forward the review opinions within 48 hours of the submission of the application. After the candidate submits the application, he/she shall timely check the review results through the open recruitment website. If the application for examination has not been reviewed or has passed the qualification review, it cannot be changed to another position; If the application for registration is not passed, the applicant should timely supplement and improve the information and resubmit, or change to another position according to the review opinions of the recruitment authority. After the deadline for registration, no application or change of application will be accepted. Candidates should register as early as possible to avoid the final centralized registration.

Qualification review runs through the whole process of employment. If it is found that the applicant does not meet the qualification requirements in each link, the qualification or employment qualification can be cancelled.

(3) Payment confirmation and download and print the admission card

Applicants who pass the qualification examination shall pay the written examination fee from 8:30 on January 23 to 18:00 on January 31. If the applicants give up the application, they can go through the refund procedures from 8:30 on January 30 to 18:00 on January 31. Those who go through the refund procedures or fail to pay the fees within the time limit shall be deemed to have waived their qualification for the examination. The examination fees can be reduced or exempted for the family members with minimum living security and the disabled with certificates, without online payment. The procedures for refund and reduction of examination fees shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Policy Guide for Public Recruitment of Civil Servants in Tianjin in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Policy Guide).

The time for downloading and printing the written exam admission card is from 8:30 on March 11 to 9:30 on March 17. Candidates who have not downloaded and printed the written examination permit are not allowed to take the written examination.


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