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2024 When will Tianjin civil service examination begin to pay

Tianjin Zhonggong Education 2024-03-04 16:42:35

two thousand and twenty-four Tianjin Civil Servant Examination When is the payment due? A survey of tianjin The payment time is from 8:30 on January 23 to 18:00 on January 31. The payment website is located on the Tianjin Personnel Examination Online Registration Public Service Platform. The examination fee for written examination subjects is 45 yuan per subject. Please use the bank card supported by the registration payment system to make online payment.

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1. How to solve the problem of displaying blank pages or blank screens on the payment page?

(1) Download the latest Google browser and login to your account again to pay.

(2) Connect the computer network to the mobile hotspot mobile network and log in to the account again to pay.

(3) If the above two methods cannot solve the problem, please call the examination consultation or website technical consultation telephone.

2. Can I pay with someone else's bank card?


3. How much is the written examination fee and how to pay it?

Applicants who have passed the qualification examination can pay the fees. No payment, unable to download and print the written exam admission card. The examination fee for written examination subjects is 45 yuan per subject. Please use the bank card supported by the registration payment system to pay online.

4. How to handle the examination fee reduction and exemption procedures?

Candidates from families enjoying the national minimum living security and those holding the Disabled Person Card of the People's Republic of China do not need to pay fees.

After passing the qualification examination, the disabled who apply for the targeted examination for the position of the disabled will be directly exempted from the examination fees without going through any exemption procedures.

The disabled who apply for the non targeted examination for the position of the disabled can access the website through the browser during the payment period https://ding.cjfx.cn/f/iqtvuyet , enter the small program, fill in my name, resident ID card number, contact phone number, examination name, registration number, and submit the Disabled Person Card of the People's Republic of China issued by Tianjin Disabled Persons' Federation, and the front electronic picture of the resident ID card for processing.

Those who apply for examination fee reduction or exemption from the minimum living security family can access the website through browser during the payment period https://ding.cjfx.cn/f/iqtvuyet Enter the small program, fill in my name, resident ID card number, contact number, exam name, registration number, and submit the minimum living security certificate and the front electronic picture of the resident ID card for processing.

The registration system will automatically adjust to the status of deemed payment after the above personnel have handled the exemption or approval of examination fees.

The application matters of applicants are generally handled within 24 hours. After submitting the business application, applicants need to log on to the registration payment website in time to check their examination fee reduction status. If there are problems, they can call the examination consultation telephone for consultation.

5. How to view the number of contributors to a position?

The number of applicants for each position will be announced on the special website of "Public Recruitment of Civil Servants in Tianjin in 2024". From January 23 to 25, it will be announced at 9:00 and 15:00 every day; From January 26 to 28, at 9:00, 14:00 and 18:00 every day

Announced at 9:00 on January 29.

It is suggested that applicants should register as soon as possible to avoid network congestion and long review time due to the crowding of applications, which will affect the submission of applications.

6. How to handle refund?

If applicants give up the exam, they can log on to the recruitment website from 8:30 on January 30 to 18:00 on January 31, and go through the refund confirmation procedures in the "Payment" column - "Application for written examination refund" module. Overdue time will not be accepted. After the refund is confirmed, the examination qualification of relevant personnel will be automatically cancelled, and the examination fee will be returned to the original payment account later. In case of relevant problems, you can call the examination consultation telephone for consultation.


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