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Announcement on Adjustment of Professional Level Evaluation Test of Securities Industry in August 2022

China Securities Association 2022-08-19 08:55:18  Online consultation Online consultation

>>> Announcement on Evaluation and Test of Senior Managers in August 2022

In order to implement the national policy for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, and in accordance with the specific requirements for the prevention and control of the epidemic in various regions, and effectively guarantee the life and health of the vast number of examinees and testing staff, we hereby announce the relevant adjustments in the evaluation and test of the professional level of the securities industry in August 2022 (including the unified test and the special test in Xinjiang, Tibet and Qinghai) as follows:

1、 Cancel the test in some test areas

Affected by the epidemic situation, the evaluation test for professional level in the securities industry in Nanchang, Xiamen, Haikou, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Lhasa and Zhuhai test areas, originally scheduled for August 20 and 21, 2022, will be cancelled. The registration fees for relevant candidates will be returned to the original payment account within 10 working days after the end of this test. The candidates do not need to operate by themselves. The above examination area continues to implement the relevant stable employment policy, that is, "general securities business" category personnel can practice first and then make up for the level test.

2、 Candidates should follow the principle of "local epidemic prevention management" and implement the epidemic prevention and control requirements during the urban test, otherwise they will not be able to participate in the test.

(1) Candidates who apply for Wenzhou examination area, if they travel outside Wenzhou within 7 days, must hold two nucleic acid test negative reports within 3 days on the test day, and the time interval between two nucleic acid samples must be greater than 24 hours.

(2) Candidates who apply for the Hangzhou test area and travel outside Hangzhou within 7 days must have two negative nucleic acid test reports within 3 days on the test day, and the second nucleic acid test must be conducted in Hangzhou.

(3) Candidates who apply for the Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Changsha examination areas and travel to other provinces within 7 days must hold two negative reports of nucleic acid testing within 3 days on the test day, and the interval between two nucleic acid sampling must be greater than 24 hours.

(4) Candidates who apply for Guiyang examination area and travel to low-risk areas within 7 days must hold two nucleic acid test negative reports within 3 days on the test day, and the interval between two nucleic acid samples must be greater than 24 hours.

(5) Candidates applying for the Chengdu and Chongqing examination areas must have two negative reports of nucleic acid testing within three days on the test day, and the interval between two nucleic acid sampling must be greater than 24 hours.

(6) Candidates registered for the Guangzhou, Yinchuan and Beijing test areas must have a negative nucleic acid test report within 48 hours in the province (city) on the test day.

(7) Candidates who apply for the Shenzhen examination area must have a 24 hour nucleic acid test negative report on the day of the test.

(8) Candidates who apply for the Shanghai test area must hold two negative nucleic acid test reports within three days on the test day (one report within 24 hours before the test, subject to the dynamic information on the Shanghai nucleic acid query page of the "Follow the Application" app or the "Follow the Application" applet on WeChat and Alipay).

3、 Adjust the printing time of the admission card

The printing time of the test admission card is adjusted from 15:00 on August 17 to 23:00 on August 21.

Please pay close attention to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control in various cities. During this period, relevant arrangements for evaluation and testing of professional level in the securities industry will be adjusted according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control in various regions. Please pay attention to relevant announcements and notices in a timely manner. Please understand the inconvenience caused by the above adjustment. If you have other questions, please consult online customer service on the official registration website.

It is hereby announced.

China Securities Association

August 17, 2022

Original title: Announcement on Adjusting the Evaluation and Test of Professional Level of Securities Industry in August 2022

Source: https://www.sac.net.cn/cyry/kspt/kstz/202208/t20220817_168858.html


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Next: Announcement on Evaluation and Test of Senior Managers in September 2022

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