Integration of industry, finance and taxation, using Kingdee Cloud and Stars
  • New production
  • New retail
  • New business
  • New finance and taxation
  • New ecology
New production
Integration of production, supply and marketing to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency
It provides full process management from order to production, rapid calculation of material demand, clear control of production progress, accurate accounting of production costs, and helps small industrial and trade enterprises to build integrated management of production, supply and marketing, industry and finance, and achieve the business goal of cost reduction and efficiency increase.

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New retail
Online and offline integration helps enterprises operate efficiently
With online and offline integration, full link operation of members, digital and intelligent operation of stores, and integrated management of industry and finance as the growth engine, let private domain traffic become reserved, and let reserved volume become performance increment, so as to help enterprises reduce operation and management costs and improve efficiency and performance in an all-round way.

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New business
Intelligently manage customers' business and help enterprises multiply their performance
Centering on the customer operation link of "Touching, Trading, Service and Fission", at each node, help enterprises build digital and intelligent service capabilities for customer operation, create "ultimate trading experience"+"digital management", help enterprises achieve online business and data visualization, and improve enterprise operating performance.

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New finance and taxation
Intelligent financial and tax management to help enterprises operate in compliance
It provides intelligent services integrating industry, finance, tax, tickets and archives. Based on an intelligent and open voucher center, it breaks data silos, realizes industry finance and tax integration, helps enterprises improve financial efficiency, reduce costs and increase profits, realizes legal and compliant operations, and enables data to assist decision-making and drive growth.

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New ecology
Jointly create new connections in the industry and help enterprises connect
It provides rich ecological applications. Supported by the development platform and the core application API of industry finance and taxation, it supports the development of industry characteristics and the integration of heterogeneous systems. Enterprises can flexibly choose and purchase on demand to meet diverse and complex business needs and truly realize the digital integration of enterprises.

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Improve your work efficiency comprehensively
  • boss
  • Finance
  • sale
  • production
  • shopowner
  • Silo tube
Real time understanding of the company's operation
Control costs and increase profits
From data analysis to business decision-making, from business approval to customer relationship maintenance, I can control the operation and management of the company at any time and anywhere

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Emancipate financial personnel from redundant labor force
Get twice the result with half the effort in financial work
From invoicing statistics to cost accounting, from tax declaration to statement analysis
Free from repetitive and tedious work and create more value

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Timely quote and bill, maintain customer information
Approve collection and achieve performance goals
From performance objectives to customer follow-up, from invoicing collection to performance analysis, I took my time on the competitive sales road and doubled my performance

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Effective control of production subcontracting
Efficient collaboration across departments in the whole process
Master production schedule, improve production efficiency, reduce material loss and production cost, and comprehensively improve product delivery rate

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Enriching play methods to help store marketing expand customer business data clearly and accurately
From member marketing to event promotion, from physical inventory to business analysis, the store management is in good order and the business is booming

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Easy and efficient warehouse management
Automatic early warning and quick response
From picking and shipping to goods receipt, from inventory transfer to inventory counting, each node can be easily handled, saving time and effort

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Multiple industry solutions to meet your business needs
  • Food industry
  • 3C digital
  • Science and technology services
  • Furniture and building materials
  • Foreign trade industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
Tailored for leisure food, various cooked food and other industries
Controllable validity management
Through shelf life and batch management, combined with outbound rule setting and early warning report, realize first in first out of goods and reduce the imminent risk of short-term guaranteed food
Differentiated category and inventory management
Fixed multi unit conversion, floating conversion (tail difference), and whole package to solve the problem of difficult and unclear conversion of specifications and prices in the food industry
Flexible price adjustment strategy
It supports batch price adjustment and takes effect on time to meet the scenarios of frequent price changes and multiple marketing activities. It can meet the marketing strategies or price management schemes of different sub categories through stepped pricing and personalized scheme settings

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They all chose Kingdee

Provide professional solutions for digital industries such as mobile phones and computers
Brand and label management
Through brand management, meet the multi-dimensional analysis of sales and business analysis, understand the sales volume, cost and inventory of each brand in real time, and combine label management to maximize revenue
Serial number tracking and management
Through batch and serial number management, the whole process tracking of goods is realized. Combined with the uniqueness of SN code of serial number, it meets a series of high-frequency scenarios in 3C digital industry, and solves the problems of cross shipment, counterfeiting and tracing
Efficient and intelligent replenishment
3C digital products have many specifications, models, auxiliary attributes, and great difficulty in replenishment and inventory management. By order or inventory driven replenishment, the supply chain management is more focused, and the capital occupation of inventory is reduced

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They all chose Kingdee

Tailored for professional technical services and technology product sales industry
Combination sales of services and physical goods
The commodity data can define whether the commodity is a service commodity or an ordinary commodity. The service commodity can be used to register the income generated by businesses such as technical consultation and scientific training. When selling, you can select both service commodities and ordinary commodities
Equipment leasing and recycling
Use the miscellaneous issue document to process external lease, and add it to the user-defined date field to register the lease period of equipment; Use the miscellaneous receipt document when returning leased equipment
Foreign currency accounting
The technical solutions customized by the technology company for foreign customers are registered in foreign currency when they are sold; The part designed by a third party in China can be registered as RMB sales expense at the same time

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They all chose Kingdee

Tailored for household building materials, lighting and other industries
Unique automatic conversion of package components
Support package list scheme management, sales package is automatically split into sub components for delivery, and sub components can be combined into a package, which is convenient for conversion
Personalized customization and sample management
Support the creation of 8 user-defined fields for goods and documents to facilitate the registration of customer personalized needs, set up independent warehouse location management to distinguish samples, and facilitate the query and management of sample inventory
Directional deposit
It supports orders to collect deposit for many times, and the deposit is deducted directionally. The accounts receivable are clear at a glance. It supports customers to analyze their needs after placing an order, and to prepare personalized goods through sales orders, so as to prevent inventory backlog and greatly reduce costs

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They all chose Kingdee

Professional solutions tailored for the import and export trade industry
currency converter
The document's foreign currency is automatically converted, and the exchange gain/loss is carried forward in one key according to the period end exchange rate. The legal report in functional currency is automatically issued. The financial account book can be switched and queried at any time in multiple currencies
Cross currency write off
Write off of external transactions by direct RMB foreign exchange purchase supports parity write off and automatic calculation of exchange gain/loss
Expense processing
Freight, tariff, insurance premium, third-party agency fee and other expenses are related and allocated into the cost of goods. The purchase and sales expenses are managed in a refined way to support the full process of cost tracing

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Professional solutions tailored for the pharmaceutical industry
Acceptance and review
Handling different acceptance conclusions of the same batch of goods; Control of cold chain drugs and special drugs; Handling of different acceptance conclusions for the same batch of returned goods
Special drug business control
Through strengthening management methods, special warehousing acceptance and ex warehouse recheck control are realized, and a management mechanism of double person acceptance and inspection is formed to ensure quality and reduce risks
Storage and maintenance
According to the commodity inventory maintenance cycle and the maintenance reminder lead time, provide users with reminders of the expiration of the maintenance of the inventory commodities, help users to maintain and maintain the existing inventory commodities regularly or irregularly, apply for reinspection of unqualified drugs in sampling inspection, and keep all maintenance records

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They all chose Kingdee

They all chose Kingdee
  • catering trade
  • Food industry
  • Home building materials
  • Science and technology services
  • Digital household appliances
  • mechanical equipment
More customer stories>
Han Fatty, Henan Learn more
"First, it improves the timeliness of our financial data accounting; second, it displays all kinds of data of our stores on the same platform; third, Kingdee Cloud Star System displays our financial data in various forms, such as charts and bar charts, to facilitate financial analysis and management decision analysis."

——Chief Financial Officer Han Zong


While accelerating the speed of offline store opening, the braised flavor brand is also building an online sales system and community operation platform with the help of new technologies such as the Internet and big data. On the one hand, it can meet the needs of customers who can purchase products at any time, and on the other hand, it creates a private domain flow pool to achieve customer layered marketing and improve customer consumption experience, The new business model needs new technology platform to comprehensively improve the enterprise operation support capability.


The membership day of every Tuesday is 8.8% off, and the special price activities and free gift activities in different time periods every day, so that customers can really enjoy the benefits;
From the supply chain to the store cashier to the member management and then to the financial management, all data of Kingdee Cloud Star ERP software are interconnected, shared and updated in real time with high accuracy.

Yoshinoya Learn more
Yoshinoka has been providing goods and services for customers with the tenet of "delicious, fast and inexpensive" for more than 110 years since its establishment. It has nearly 50 stores in Guangdong Province, and its unique beef rice is made of superior beef and secret soup. In addition, the steaming quality rice is well known in Shenzhen.


The food materials are ordered by manually sorting Excel, and the data is transmitted to the headquarters, which leads to low efficiency of the headquarters in receiving orders, easy to make mistakes, and increases the risk that the plan will be changed at will. The traditional supply chain has the characteristics of long chain, series connection and multiple nodes. The long chain leads to slow response speed, series connection easily leads to supply chain interruption, and multiple nodes easily lead to information asymmetry and other problems.


Kingdee Cloud Star mobile terminal completes ordering, automatically generates sales orders synchronously, summarizes the ordering demand of the day with one click, splits the orders according to categories and suppliers, quickly arranges procurement and production, reduces communication costs, and improves ordering efficiency;
Efficient management of multiple warehouses in different places, many to many assembly and disassembly function, sub packaging of various commodities into a variety of standard food packaging, greatly improving the production efficiency of prefabricated vegetable bags.

Angel Food Learn more
"After using Kingdee Cloud and Stars, the orders in the mall and the orders in the offline channels are managed in a unified way in the purchase, sales and inventory. The inventory and capital transactions are relatively clear, and the reconciliation is relatively convenient. All documents automatically generate vouchers, which basically does not require manual intervention, reducing the workload of 2-3 people."

——Manager Chen, Financial Manager


Online sales are developing rapidly, brand consumption is strengthening day by day, and the consumption habits and models of young consumers are changing in a variety of ways. How to gain the recognition of the new consumer group of Generation Z is a new topic for time-honored mooncakes to break through.


Relying on Kingdee Cloud and Star ERP software, it has realized the digitalization of the supply chain and the fine management of the integration of industry, finance and taxation, realized the unified control of multi-channel orders, inventory, prices and funds, supported business decisions with data, and improved the efficiency of enterprise operation and management.

Order excellent products Learn more
"Kingdee Cloud Star ERP software is modular and can be continuously expanded. Through the Kingdee Cloud platform, we can integrate the data under our diversified business system. We can not only see the pictures of products, but also the pictures of consumers. We can analyze more thoroughly through this data platform, which is more conducive to our business. The ability of Kingdee Cloud and Star digital integration can completely solve the future needs of new retail enterprises. "

——General Manager Zhang Guosheng


In the process of transformation, ordering premium products faces two major problems: first, the change of store managers' management concepts; The second is the support of digital tools for operation. In the past, the store manager was only responsible for selling products. In the future, he would turn to managing consumers. In terms of the responsibilities of the store manager, he should be given the function of a group leader.


Easier distribution of new products: timely formulate promotion strategies to improve the sales of new products;
Understand every consumer: make price and promotion strategies through customer purchase behavior analysis;
Make the goods in the store sell better: you can view the sales data of the store at any time.

Zhengbang household products Learn more
"Kingdee KIS Cloud is an important project of Zhengbang Company this year. We actively responded to the work requirements of Linhai Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, actively promoted the cloud application of the system, intelligent manufacturing, and the rapid development of integration of two technologies. After the system went online, the process specification, data optimization, and work efficiency of all departments of the enterprise were improved, and promoted the innovative development of our enterprise."


The development of the company is on the rise, with many customer orders and customized products. The use function of the existing software has hindered the rapid development of the company; The traditional manual piecework method is not only inefficient, but also very easy to make calculation errors, leading to workers' dissatisfaction.


The order execution statistics are preset in the new ERP system, and the relevant responsible departments urge the relevant personnel to implement every link in the planning, production, workshop, procurement, warehousing, etc. according to the time, which greatly shortens the overall time cycle;
Employees query their own wages, and the monthly financial settlement salary is generated in one click, which saves the financial staff a huge amount of manpower for salary statistics at the end of the month, and greatly improves the work efficiency and satisfaction of employees.

Guangxi Xiyalong Learn more
"The Yunxingchen ERP system has improved the internal efficiency of the organization. The document flow from sales, delivery to financial accounting is automatically generated, which is convenient and accurate, reducing many manual operations in the middle link. At the same time, clear chart analysis provides strong support for dynamic decision-making of enterprise operation. In terms of business, finance, inventory, etc., enterprise decisions will rely more on data than intuition. "


The exploration of multi regional operation and retail mode has posed new challenges to the service and management of enterprises. How to improve customers' shopping experience and service quality, how to improve the supply chain support ability, and how to ensure the integrated operation of multi-channel have become barriers that Xiyalong urgently needs to cross.


The ordering mall will push the information of new and popular products at the first time, so that the downstream dealers can know the products at any time;
Realize the process and standardized management of purchase, sales, return and replacement, and stock in and stock out, and realize the whole process control of each product or part from stock in to stock out;
Regular cost accounting can accurately calculate the cost of each screw, reducing the difficulty of cost accounting and avoiding cost differences.

Lack of cultural creativity Learn more
[Unexpectedly] It was founded in June 2020, just like a beautiful coincidence, the company was founded on Children's Day. Then the first self-service design product was launched, which was really a good store and became a popular product. As for the unexpected growth rate, the founder said: "As for the unexpected rise, I don't think it is an accidental phenomenon, but it is the right place at the right time and the right people, which conforms to the trend of the development of the times."


As the business understanding continues to grow, there is a strong wall in front of [Less Than Reach], which is that profits are getting thinner and business is getting harder. In today's business market environment, the competition is about the ability to grab customers and the competition is about higher efficiency. These are the reflection of the core competitiveness of enterprises. How to obtain more profits with less cost is a problem that needs to be solved urgently.


Kingdee Jingdouyun implements mobile inventory and efficient warehouse management, breaking the old model of a wide range of goods in stock and taking a long time to inventory;
Realize financial business integration. The boss logs in to the system anytime and anywhere to view the company's operating data and reports, helping the enterprise reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Sacco Micro Semiconductor Learn more
"Sake Micro will make good use of the live Kingdee KIS cloud ERP software, integrate the popular industries engaged in by the company's advanced technology with Kingdee's digital management, absorb the wisdom accumulated by Kingdee for more than 20 years, build Sake Micro into a digital, information-based, process oriented, standardized and intelligent organization, and make Sake Micro a benchmark for small and medium-sized enterprises to apply digital informatization Our near-term goals. "


The original data is easy to lose or damage, and the newly generated data is difficult to update synchronously, which will cause data deviation distortion after a long time; Data processing takes a long time, the verification work is complex and prone to deviation, the timeliness of financial reports is poor, the accounts are not consistent, and the security of cash flow management is not high; In the past, manual forms were used for warehouse inventory management, and the inbound and outbound data could not be updated in time, resulting in inaccurate data.


The purchase, warehouse, sales and financial data of Kingdee KIS cloud ERP software are clear and clear, the process is scientific, and the historical data in circulation can also be clearly retained for easy reference and traceability;
At the key time node of accounts receivable, it can also automatically remind people to the point, which ensures the company's capital security;
The process is clear and clear, and the work connection between each department and the warehouse is strengthened, which greatly improves the work efficiency and reduces the labor management cost.

Yueqing Youchuang Electric Learn more
"After our company launched the Kingdee KIS cloud system, the operation mode has undergone qualitative changes. In the past, many work communications needed to call colleagues to record orders, check inventory, etc. Now you can use your own computer and mobile phone operating system anytime and anywhere, greatly reducing the workload of colleagues. The Kingdee cloud system is worth promoting and using!"


After receiving an external order, the salesperson needs to call his office colleagues to log in to the system to add an order. When the customer asks about the order, he cannot reply in time; Planners need to manually query the material structure, material inventory and other information of each product each time to calculate purchase and production plans manually, which takes a long time and is prone to errors; When the boss is on a business trip, many businesses cannot be carried out quickly, and the key indicators and reports cannot be queried in time, which is not conducive to controlling the company's business dynamics.


Salesmen log in to Kingdee KIS cloud ERP system at any time and anywhere to place sales orders, query inventory, order delivery and other information, and improve sales business processing efficiency;
The material requirement plan is automatically calculated according to the sales order. It only takes a few minutes to calculate the purchase, subcontracting and production plans each time;
The boss reviews purchase and sales orders and payment application forms on his mobile phone, and can reply in time when he is away on business trips, so that he can understand business progress anytime and anywhere.

Qiangyuan Electronic Technology Learn more
"The rapid growth of the company for many years in a row mainly depends on the following three aspects: first, the company focuses on customers, puts customer service and satisfaction first, and responds quickly to customer needs 7 * 24 hours; second, it builds the corporate culture, finds a group of like-minded employees, and enables employees to realize self value in the organization; Third, through digital transformation, improve enterprise operational efficiency and customer service capabilities. "


With the expansion of business scale and the increase of team members, new requirements have been put forward for enterprise management level and operation efficiency. Qiangyuan Electronics urgently needs digital tools to improve the enterprise's combat effectiveness; It is hoped that the salesperson can handle business problems and sales expense reimbursement problems at any time through mobile phones; It is hoped that all business data can be quantified, data can be viewed in real time, and data can support the management to make decisions and implement decisions quickly.


Check the product inventory and price in real time in the Jingdou Cloud APP, quickly place orders for customers, and synchronize orders to the warehouse for quick distribution and delivery;
Employees directly initiate reimbursement on their mobile phones, take photos of invoices and attach them to the reimbursement forms. After submission, the documents will be automatically pushed to the boss for review;
View sales, gross profit and inventory according to different dimensions such as warehouse and department, master sales trends of different products, and use data to assist business decisions.

Guangsen sewing machine Learn more
"The era of digital economy has come, and digital management is a new engine for enterprise development. Dongguan Guangsen Automatic Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd. will work with Kingdee Software to help the company develop with digital technology, achieve the development goal of" specialized, special and new "enterprises, and open a new future for the company's development!"

——Wang Jianbo, General Manager


After being affected by the epidemic, the sales volume of the company dropped to about 30% of the original, and the company could not work in other places, and the products could only be managed simply by purchasing, selling and storing; With the development of the company, there are more detailed requirements for the system. The use needs of parts and semi-finished products are related to orders and business processes; Due to the heavy workload of data collection outside the business, the company's profits and costs are often not very detailed.


Kingdee KIS cloud ERP software integrates inventory receipt and delivery, sales delivery, demand purchase, finished product production and processing, equipment asset management, and finance to realize the digitalization and informatization of the whole link;
All business data are automatically generated into A/R and A/P sub ledgers and summary data through the system. One click query and automatic reconciliation make the transaction balance clear at a glance.

Deli automatic logistics equipment Learn more
"Through the use of ERP software management, the automatic early warning of material management and control is realized, and the communication between production management departments is convenient, which reduces the error rate of business data in the transmission process, and improves the efficiency and accuracy of data transmission."


The data transmission in the whole production process is not timely, and the delivery time to customers is prolonged; Due to the inaccuracy and standardization of basic data accounting, the industrial and financial data cannot truly reflect the business situation of the enterprise.


Flexible BOM configuration virtual part management, fast realization of customized configuration, fast response to customer non-standard customization requirements;
Through MRP calculation, the problems such as what to produce, when to produce, what materials to produce, and when to purchase materials are quickly solved;
The finance department can directly prepare vouchers, issue invoices and accurate cost accounting based on the data retrieved from the business module, and accurately reflect the business status through the financial statements.

The secure and reliable technology of Kingdee Cloud has been recognized by many authorities
Network security level protection
(Level III)
Information Security Management System Certification
Cloud security level certification
Software Capability Maturity Certification
National SMEs
Public service demonstration platform
China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises
Vice President Unit
Warm tip: Recently, some lawbreakers embezzled the payment QR code on the official website of Kingdee Jingdouyun for telecommunication fraud. To ensure the safety of your property, please don't believe it! View announcement details
Security Tips on Strengthening the Prevention of Telecommunication Fraud
Recently, some lawbreakers stole the official website of Kingdee Jingdouyun( )To protect your property, please don't believe that you can use the QR code of payment to carry out illegal and criminal acts such as swiping and commission refund, network loan, telecom fraud, etc! Do not transfer or remit money to strangers in any form, or add strangers' QQ and WeChat, enter strange QQ groups, WeChat groups, online loan gambling, swiping orders and returning commission and other means, which are closely linked fraud routines. Please consciously improve your anti fraud awareness, understand the national anti fraud phone 96110, download the "National Anti fraud Center" APP, open the early warning start protection function, and keep your property safe.
The company specially reminds that no one should carry out any bank transfer operation as required by the other party before verifying the true identity of the other party, so as to avoid being cheated and suffering losses. If any person is confirmed to have suffered fraud, he/she shall report to the public security organ as soon as possible to safeguard his/her legitimate rights and interests through legal means.
The above misappropriation seriously violates the laws and regulations, and the company hereby solemnly warns the relevant actors to immediately stop misappropriation, fraudulent use and other violations, laws and criminal acts. The company reserves the right to investigate the civil legal liability of the relevant actors.
The public cloud products operated by the company have implemented security reinforcement measures and established a solid security defense system to ensure safe and reliable services for customers. If you have any questions or problems, please contact the service personnel of our branches or partners at any time to provide you with professional support and help.
It is hereby declared.
Kingdee Cloud Computing Co., Ltd
January 30, 2024

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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Small business financial integration solution

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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small scale integrated production, supply and marketing solutions

Industry universal experience A/C set

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud Accounting
Micro financial management
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Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
Please select the product you want to experience

Small scale operation+management integration solution

Tailored for food industry users

Small business financial integration solution

Industry universal experience A/C set
Please select the product you want to experience
Cloud purchase, sales and storage advanced version
Micro intelligent management
AI Assistant
Cloud purchase, sales and storage standard version
Micro purchase, sales and inventory management
System maintenance bulletin

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