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Interview Announcement of Public Institutions in Xiantao City in 2024 (III)

Xiantao Human Resources and Social Security Bureau 2024-06-28 16:38:21  Zhonggong WeChat official account Online consultation

According to the Announcement of Public Institutions in Xiantao City on Unified Public Recruitment of Staff in 2024, after the written examination and pre interview qualification review and other links, the matters related to the job interview of Xiantao Financial Media Center are announced as follows:

1、 List of interviewees

After the qualification review before the interview, 51 interviewees were determined to participate in the interview, of which: some positions were supplemented according to the written examination results because the examinees voluntarily gave up or failed in the qualification review. For the positions with less than 1:3 interviewees, upon the application of the recruitment unit and the approval of the competent department, the interview will be conducted according to the actual number of interviewees. See Annex 1 for the detailed list of interviewees.

2、 Time and place of interview

1. 1-2 posts of TV editor and director reporter, 1-2 posts of text reporter editor

Time of registration: Before 6:30 a.m. on June 29, 2024, candidates should bring their ID cards and written examination admission cards to the place of registration. The interview started at 8:00 am that day and was scheduled for one day.

Registration place: 800 square meter studio on the first floor of Xiantao Rong Media Center (No. 35, Mianzhou Avenue, Xiantao City).

2. TV broadcasting host post, radio broadcasting host post

Registration time: Please bring your ID card and written examination permit to the registration place before 8:00 a.m. on June 29, 2024. The interview started at 9:00 am that day and was scheduled for half a day.

Registration place: Examination waiting room on the 6th floor of Xiantao Rong Media Center (No. 35, Mianzhou Avenue, Xiantao City).

3、 Interview form

1. 1-2 posts of TV editor and director reporter

The interview was conducted by combining professional ability test with comprehensive interview. In the morning, field interviews were organized, and interview sites were determined by drawing lots. Candidates independently collected and wrote one TV news and one new media WeChat tweet within the specified time. Candidates need to complete planning, interview, shooting, listening to simultaneous sound, writing and other work at the scene. Panasonic Aj Px298MC8 camera (provided by the recruitment unit) is used for shooting, and simultaneous sound is recorded through the camera body microphone. According to the written TV news articles (including picture prompts) written by the candidates, the recruitment unit will edit and produce TV news works of no more than 3 minutes. The number of new media WeChat tweets written by examinees does not exceed 500 words.

In the afternoon, a comprehensive interview was held and the TV news works and WeChat tweets of new media were scored. The total score of the interview is 100 points, including 60 points for TV news works, 30 points for new media WeChat tweets, and 10 points for comprehensive interviews.

2. Text journalist editor 1-2 posts

The interview was conducted by combining professional ability test with comprehensive interview. In the morning, field interviews were organized, and interview points were determined by drawing lots. Candidates independently completed one newspaper news and one news review within the specified time. Within 800 words of newspaper news and 500 words of news comment.

In the afternoon, a comprehensive interview was conducted and two news articles were graded respectively. The total score of the interview is 100 points, including 40 points for newspaper news, 50 points for news comments and 10 points for comprehensive interview.

3. TV Broadcasting Hosting Post

Take the combination of audition and comprehensive interview. The total score of the interview is 100 points, including 90 points for the audition and 10 points for the comprehensive interview.

4. Broadcasting host post

Structured interview is adopted. The total score of the interview is 100 points.

4、 Control line of qualified interview score

After the interview announcement is released, if the candidate fails to reach the specified proportion due to such factors as candidate abstention, the candidate will not be replaced. All positions in this recruitment are equipped with a minimum qualification line for interview scores, which is 60 points. For positions where the proportion of the actual number of interviewees to the planned number of positions is equal to or less than 1:1, the minimum qualification line for candidates who participate in the interview for this position is 65 points. Candidates whose interview results fail to reach the minimum qualification line cannot enter the stage of physical examination and investigation, and the corresponding recruitment post plan will be reduced or cancelled.

5、 Related matters

1. Candidates shall present the original valid ID card (resident ID card or temporary resident ID card within the validity period) and the written examination permit to participate in the interview. Those who lack the certificate shall not enter the examination site to participate in the interview.

2. Candidates should arrive at the designated place within the specified time as required. Candidates should arrive at the registration place or waiting room at the specified time for centralized management. Late arrival will be deemed as waiver of interview qualification. It is recommended that candidates get familiar with the bus routes of the interview site in advance and arrive at the registration place as early as possible on the interview day.

3. In addition to the specified supplies, candidates are not allowed to bring electronic products, mobile phones, recording pens and any other storage, communication and other equipment into the registration place or waiting room. Before entering the registration place or waiting room, they should be handed over to the staff for unified custody. All relevant materials brought by the staff shall be kept by the staff. Otherwise, it will be treated as illegal and the interview qualification will be cancelled.

4. Candidates should follow the arrangement of the staff during the waiting period, determine the interview sequence by drawing lots, and sign on the Registration Form of Candidates' Drawing lots. Each candidate can only draw one lot number. If he/she draws too many lots and conceals them, he/she will be treated as a disciplinary violation and will be disqualified for the interview. Candidates are not allowed to exchange lottery numbers without permission. In case of violation, the exchange of interview qualifications and interview results of both parties will be canceled. Candidates shall stick the lottery number identification provided by the staff on their left chest and enter the examination room for interview with the lottery number identification. It is not allowed to leave the waiting room without permission. In case of special circumstances, the staff must report to the staff, who will accompany the staff throughout the whole process after permission. Before the examination, the examinees shall be guided into the examination room by the staff.

5. Candidates are not allowed to wear symbolic clothes or symbolic ornaments to enter the test site. During the interview, you are not allowed to disclose your name, examination permit number, native place, experience and family information to the examiner, otherwise you will be punished as a disciplinary violation.

6. Candidates must obey the management of the staff and abide by the interview discipline of candidates. After the interview, they should leave the examination room quickly and should not stay around the examination room. Candidates shall not copy, duplicate or disseminate the interview questions in any way.

7. The examinee's disciplinary violations in the examination shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations on the Handling of Disciplinary Violations in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions (Decree No. 35 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security).

Contact person and telephone: Zhao Qunjiao 0728 - 8206631

Annex: List of Interviewers for Public Institutions in Xiantao in 2024 (III)

Xiantao Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Xiantao Rong Media Center

June 24, 2024

Original Title: Public Institutions in Xiantao City 2024 Unified Public Recruitment Staff Interview Announcement (III)


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Statement: The copyright of the articles published on this website with the source marked as "Zhonggong Education" belongs to Zhonggong Education, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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