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Announcement on Matters Related to the Written Examination Results of Specialized and Open Recruitment of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professionals in Huanggang Medical and Health Institutions in 2024

Huanggang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau 2024-06-28 16:11:49  Zhonggong WeChat official account Online consultation

According to the provisions of the Announcement of Huanggang Medical and Health Institutions on the Special Public Recruitment of Chinese Medicine Professionals in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement), the written examination of the special public recruitment of Chinese medicine professionals in Huanggang medical and health institutions in 2024 has ended, and the written examination results are hereby released. Candidates can also check their scores through the "Score Query" column of Huanggang Personnel Examination Network.

According to the provisions of the Announcement and the requirements of the minimum pass line of the written examination, after research, the minimum pass line of the written examination was determined to be 45 points. Candidates whose written test scores fail to reach 45 points or above cannot enter the next recruitment link.

The qualification review, interview and other related matters will be announced separately. Please keep the contact information open for the relevant candidates.

Attachment: written examination results of specialized and open recruitment of TCM professionals in Huanggang medical and health institutions in 2024.xlsx

Huanggang Municipal Health Commission

June 25, 2024

Original title: Announcement on Matters Related to the Written Examination Results of Specialized Public Recruitment of Traditional Chinese Medicine Technicians in Huanggang Medical and Health Institutions in 2024


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