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2024 Physical examination list of clerk recruited by the First Branch of Chongqing People's Procuratorate and its jurisdiction

The First Branch of Chongqing Municipal People's Procuratorate 2024-06-03 17:21:37

In accordance with the provisions of the Announcement of the First Branch of the Chongqing People's Procuratorate and the People's Procuratorate under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China on the Open Recruitment of Secretaries under the Employment System, the total scores and physical examination of candidates are notified as follows:

1、 Total score and physical examination list of candidates

Among the interview qualified personnel, the physical examination personnel shall be determined from high to low according to the total score (total score=written examination score × 50%+interview score × 50%), and the ratio of 1:1 of the number of employment plans. See the annex for the total score of candidates and the list of physical examination personnel.

The standard of physical examination shall be implemented with reference to the relevant standards of civil servant employment, and the expenses for physical examination shall be borne by the examinees themselves. In case of any vacancy due to the candidate's voluntary abandonment of the physical examination or failure to pass the physical examination, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the above rules among candidates who apply for the same position.

2、 Physical examination matters

Candidates should report to the First Branch of Chongqing People's Procuratorate (address: No. 179, Xinnan Road, Longxi Street, Yubei District, Chongqing) before 7:00 a.m. on June 5, 2024, and please pay attention to the following matters:

1. Please bring your admission card and ID card for future reference during physical examination.

2. Prepare one recent photo (one inch, black and white color photo is acceptable) and one signature pen during physical examination.

3. Please bring your own change for medical examination fees, which can be paid by WeChat, Alipay and medical insurance card.

4. On the day of physical examination, blood sampling, B ultrasound, vision and other examinations should be carried out. Please do not eat or drink a lot of water after 20:00 on June 4, and wear appropriate glasses during physical examination. Please rest the day before the physical examination, do not stay up late, do not drink alcohol, and avoid strenuous exercise.

5. Please arrive at the physical examination registration place on time. If you do not arrive at the time limit, you will be deemed as giving up automatically.


Statistical Table of Total Scores of the First Branch of the Municipal People's Procuratorate and the People's Courts under Its Jurisdiction and the List of Persons Entering the Physical Examination.xlsx

The First Branch of Chongqing Municipal People's Procuratorate

June 3, 2024

Former title: Notice of the First Branch of Chongqing Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Procuratorates under its jurisdiction on the total score and physical examination of candidates for the open recruitment system clerk


Click View>>> 2024 Chongqing Court Procuratorate's recent recruitment proclamation _ registration time summary


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Next: Announcement of Chongqing Yubei District People's Court on Recruitment of 5 Dispatch System Secretaries in 2024

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