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2024 Chongqing Nan'an District Tushan Town People's Government Recruitment Announcement of 3 Urban Management Assistants

Nan'an People's Government Network 2024-02-20 14:12:19

According to work needs, Tushan Town will open recruitment of urban management team members to the public. Now, relevant matters are announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment principles

Adhere to the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit, and adopt the method of combining examination and investigation in accordance with the standards of meritocracy, virtue and talent, and morality first.

2、 Recruitment quota

A total of 3 urban management team members will be recruited this time.

3、 Recruitment conditions

(1) Basic conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China, have good moral quality, love urban management, and have the spirit of serving the people;

2. Male, college degree or above (no major limit), aged over 18 and under 35 (inclusive); The deadline for age calculation is February 18, 2024;

3. Adapt to the physical conditions of the urban management assistant post.

(2) Priority recruitment under the same conditions

1. Ex servicemen;

2. Party member.

(3) Under any of the following circumstances, they shall not be recruited as urban management assistant members:

1. Persons who have been subject to criminal punishment for crimes;

2. Those who are suspected of violating discipline and laws and have not yet been investigated and dealt with by the discipline inspection and supervision department and the judicial organ;

3. Those who are subject to administrative dismissal and have not completed five years or other administrative punishments are within the punishment period;

4. Those involved in heresy and illegal religion;

5. Other circumstances where laws and regulations stipulate that they cannot be employed as urban management assistants.

(4) Post responsibilities

Engaged in urban management assistance.

4、 Recruitment method

Recruitment is carried out in the form of announcement, registration, qualification review, written examination, interview, physical examination, political review, publicity, employment and other procedures.

5、 Recruitment procedures

(1) Registration and qualification review

1. Registration time: from February 20, 2024 to February 29, 2024, 9:00 - 12:00, 14:00 - 17:30.

2. Place of application: People's Government of Tushan Town, No. 563, Tushan Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing (Office 102, Office Building), Tel: 023-62528167.

3. Registration materials: register on site and fill in the registration form truthfully. At the time of application, submit my resume, ID card, household register, academic certificate, certificate of no illegal or criminal record and relevant certificates (all of the above require original and photocopy), and one recent bareheaded 2-inch photo of myself.

4. Qualification review: After passing the qualification review, qualified recruiters will be notified to take the exam by phone. Those who fail to pass the qualification examination will not be notified further.

5. Registration fee: no registration fee will be charged for this recruitment.

(2) Examination

1. Written examination. The specific time and place shall be subject to the notice. The written examination adopts the closed book method, and the book is divided into 100 points. The examination content includes current affairs and politics, urban management laws and regulations, and property city management auxiliary law enforcement norms. The proportion of the written examination shall be determined according to the ratio of the recruitment position to the number of applicants 1:2 or above. If the ratio of 1:2 is not reached, the recruitment quota shall be reduced or cancelled accordingly.

2. Interview. Enter the interview according to the proportion of 1:2 of the recruitment position, and the full score of the interview is 100. The candidates for the interview are determined from high score to low score in the written examination. If the scores of the last person to enter the interview are tied, the same person will enter the interview at the same time. The interview time shall be subject to the notice, and the interview score shall be reserved for 2 decimal places.

3. Total score. The total score is calculated as: total score=written examination score × 50%+interview score × 50%.

(3) Physical examination

The physical examination is determined according to the ratio of 1:1 of the number of recruiters according to the total score from high to low. The medical examination shall be carried out in the designated hospital, and the examinee shall bear the medical examination fees. The standard of physical examination shall refer to the General Standard of Physical Examination for Civil Servant Employment (Trial). In case of any vacancy due to unqualified physical examination or automatic waiver of qualification upon confirmation, other examinees shall be compensated according to their total scores from high to low.

(4) Political trial

Those who pass the physical examination will be investigated by Tushan Town. In case of any vacancy due to disqualification in the political examination or automatic waiver of qualification upon confirmation, other candidates shall be filled according to their total scores from high to low.

(5) Publicity

Those who are qualified in physical examination and inspection are determined to be recruited as urban management assistant members for publicity for 7 days and accept social supervision.

(6) Relevant treatment

The probationary period of urban management assistant members is two months, and the probationary period is paid according to the post benefits of urban management assistant members.

(7) Others

If there is no adverse reaction at the expiration of the employment publicity period or there is a problem that does not affect the employment, the employee will be employed as an assistant member of the urban management team. During the probation period, he will receive pre job training and probation assessment. Those who fail the assessment will be canceled.

6、 Disciplinary requirements

Adhere to principles and standardize operation; Seriously enforce exam discipline and consciously resist unhealthy practices; Implement the withdrawal system and consciously accept the supervision of the masses; Implement the work accountability system and accountability system to ensure the smooth progress of public recruitment.

The town discipline inspection commission is responsible for the whole process supervision of the public recruitment work, and the town party and government office takes the lead in organizing the implementation.

The Party and Government Office of Tushan Town People's Government, Nan'an District, Chongqing is responsible for the interpretation of matters not covered in this announcement. (Tel: 023-62527009).

People's Government of Tushan Town, Nan'an District, Chongqing

February 20, 2024

Original title: Announcement of the People's Government of Tushan Town, Nan'an District, Chongqing on Recruitment of Urban Management Team Members in 2024



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