"May Day" holiday travel weather tips released

2024-05-02 07:34 Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Our telegram (reporter Zhu Jinyi) Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the China Meteorological Administration jointly released the weather tips for tourism during the May Day holiday. This is the first time that the two ministries and commissions have released tourism weather tips to the public according to meteorological conditions.

During the May Day holiday, the meteorological conditions in most of the northern regions are generally suitable for travel. From May 1 to 5, the temperature in most parts of China was relatively comfortable. The northern part of Northeast China and the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia were mostly cold, the central and western parts of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau were cold, and the central and southern parts of South China were mostly muggy. From May 1 to 3, the weather was fine in North China, most of the Northeast, Huang Huai River and other places; From the 4th to the 5th, there were light to moderate rains in the central and southern parts of North China, the Huanghuai River, the eastern part of the Jianghuai River and the southern part of the Northeast, which were suitable for outings in most of the time.

It is expected that during the "May Day" holiday, there will be more rainfall in southern China, and the strongest rainfall will occur from May 3 to 4. The accumulated rainfall in Jiangnan, South China and eastern Guizhou will be 20 to 60 mm, while the rainfall in southern Jiangnan and northern South China will be 80 to 120 mm, with local rainfall exceeding 150 mm, accompanied by thunderstorms, strong winds, short-term heavy rainfall, hail and other severe convective weather; From January 1 to February 2, the weather in North China and the Yellow River and Huaihe River is mainly sunny and cloudy. After three days, the weather turns cloudy. From April 4 to May 5, some areas have precipitation. The northwest and southwest regions are dominated by cloudy weather, with overcast to moderate rain in some periods.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)