Local governments will strengthen water environment supervision in flood season to ensure drinking water safety

2024-04-23 07:28 Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 22 The Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently issued a notice requiring all regions to further strengthen water environment supervision in the flood season, prevent water environment quality deterioration and major water pollution incidents in the flood season, and effectively ensure the safety of drinking water for the masses.

This is what the reporter learned from the Ministry of Ecological Environment on the 22nd.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the Notice on Strengthening the Supervision of Water Environment in the Flood Season of 2024, putting forward three work requirements. First, strengthen the troubleshooting of various risks and hidden dangers. Thoroughly investigate outstanding problems in urban and rural non-point source pollution prevention and control, sewage collection and treatment facilities operation, river outfall and industrial park water pollution treatment and environmental risk prevention and control, strengthen problem rectification, and timely and effectively prevent and resolve ecological environmental risks. The second is to carry out analysis, research, judgment and disposal of flood season. Strengthen the coordination and linkage between departments, carry out intensive monitoring of water quality, and quickly take effective measures to deal with the abnormal fluctuation of water quality. It is necessary to carry out supervision and assistance for areas with prominent pollution problems in the flood season to guide and promote the solution of problems. Third, properly respond to water pollution emergencies. Strengthen emergency duty in flood season, make environmental emergency preparations, and implement risk prevention measures for sudden environmental events. In case of water pollution emergencies, the emergency response shall be quickly started, the territorial management responsibility and joint prevention and control requirements shall be strictly implemented, and the "space for time" and other methods shall be adopted for proper disposal.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will pay close attention to the water environment quality and drinking water source quality in flood season, give early warning and notification to the outstanding water ecological environment problems in flood season, compact the local main responsibility, and effectively guarantee the water environment quality in flood season.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)