Job seekers Look! Which industries are "big recruiters" in spring recruitment season?

2024-04-23 07:27 Source: CCTV Finance

Now is the "golden period" for college graduates to find jobs. Which industries are the "big recruiters" this year, and which majors are favored by the market?

At a campus job fair in Nanjing, Jiangsu, the reporter saw that recruitment enterprises in the biomedical industry accounted for nearly half of the booths in the whole job fair. Jiang Sumei is the head of human resources in a pharmaceutical R&D enterprise. As soon as she arrived at the recruitment site, many students came to deliver their resumes.

Jiang Sumei, head of human resources business of recruitment enterprises: In 2023, our school will recruit more than 1000 people, and this year it is expected that there will be a demand plan of 2000 people. The main talents we recruit are clinical researchers and market medical personnel after the product is launched. There is a shortage of talents in this field.

According to the survey data, the digital and intelligent transformation of the biomedical industry continues to speed up, which also raises the urgent demand of enterprises for "medical+technology" composite talents. 38.2% of enterprises believe that employees need to strengthen comprehensive capabilities such as "big data analysis".

In addition, this spring recruitment season, the recruitment demand of small and micro enterprises across the country has also increased significantly, and the demand for jobs in health care, retail, accommodation and catering, cultural tourism, transportation and other service industries has increased.

Up to now, 64000 various recruitment activities have been held across the country, and more than 43 million jobs have been released, with an increase of 10% over last year. Next, the Human Resources and Social Security Department will launch 107 featured recruitment activities for college graduates.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)