Subsidies for trade in in many places are "real gold and silver" to stimulate consumption vitality

2024-04-23 07:20 Source: Economic Information Daily

In recent days, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hunan, Shandong and other places have released the implementation plan of trade in of consumer goods. The reporter noted that the support scope and subsidy rules for consumers to participate in the trade in of cars, household appliances, etc. have been clarified in these plans, which has attracted market attention. Industry analysis believes that the subsidy policy of "real gold and silver" will effectively drive the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate, and will also stimulate consumers' demand for upgrading consumer goods, thus accelerating the release of trillion yuan market potential.

Recently, the home appliance market has risen significantly. This past weekend, the reporter visited several Beijing home appliance stores and found that many consumers are rushing to the subsidy policy of trade in. "Water saving and electricity saving drying and washing suits, large capacity energy-saving refrigerators, energy-saving air conditioners and so on have the largest amount of consultation, which can save a lot of money after the old for new subsidies, and consumers are highly motivated to participate." The staff of a home appliance store in Fengtai District, Beijing introduced to the reporter.

Previously, the Beijing Fengtai District Bureau of Commerce held a press conference on the consumer goods trade in event to set up a platform for enterprises in the area, such as household appliances, home furnishings, automobiles, etc., and launched a series of preferential subsidies totaling more than 100 million yuan.

Not only in Beijing, since the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in in March, many places have jointly launched "real gold and silver" subsidy red packets.

For example, Shanghai launched a new round of green smart home appliance consumption subsidy policy on March 30. For 16 categories of first-class energy efficiency home appliances, consumers will enjoy a one-time subsidy reduction of 10% of the transaction price, with the subsidy amount not exceeding 1000 yuan; Wuxi has also recently launched the "old for new" incentive measures. Consumers can enjoy subsidies ranging from 2000 yuan to 6000 yuan when they eliminate old cars and purchase new ones. At the same time, 6320 household appliances and home appliances of 34 categories and 94 well-known brands at home and abroad are included in the "renewal" subsidy range, with a maximum subsidy of 15%.

These promotional activities have achieved initial results, driving the market up. For example, as of April 16, about 7000 local consumers in Wuxi had enjoyed the "renewal" subsidy totaling more than 6.04 million yuan, driving the overall sales to 90 million yuan. Nationwide, according to the estimation of the National Information Center, the sales heat index of household appliances in the first quarter increased by 7.0% year on year, including 8.7% in March, which shows an accelerated warming trend.

More red envelope subsidy measures continue to be introduced. A few days ago, 14 departments including the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the Action Plan for Promoting the Trade in of Consumer Goods, which clearly strengthened the fund management and factor guarantee to ensure that the "real gold and silver" benefits reach consumers directly.

The area of the local level is extremely deployed. Since April, Shanxi, Hunan, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang and other places have successively issued detailed measures, and subsidies, concessions and other measures have attracted much attention.

Guangdong proposed to strengthen the coordination of central and local funds, and jointly support the work of trade in of qualified cars, trade in of durable consumer goods such as household appliances, new energy buses and batteries, and recycling of waste electrical and electronic products. Shanxi proposed to issue subsidies for new home appliances purchase, coordinate provincial financial special funds, provide provincial financial special support to cities that carry out special actions to benefit the people, and encourage home appliance sales enterprises (including platform enterprises) that carry out the "old for new" activity of home appliances to participate. Zhejiang has made it clear that in the next three years, individual consumers who purchase qualified household appliances in the household appliance retail enterprises participating in the implementation of the policy will enjoy a reduction subsidy of about 10% of the transaction price after excluding all discounts.

Many local governments also said that they will continue to enrich the old for new category in the light of local consumption hot spots, and form joint forces through government support, capital guidance, enterprise profit concessions, financial assistance, etc. to continue to promote the rapid release of demand for consumption upgrading.

Under the policy support, the Association and others are also taking active actions to promote the release of the potential of the big market of trade in. The reporter learned from the China Household Appliance Association that the Association issued a notice calling on and supporting the whole household appliance industry to carry out the "old for new" activity, calling on the industry to strengthen the research and development of new generation products and supply more energy-saving and environment-friendly green smart appliances; Call on manufacturers to cooperate, sink sales channels, hold various home appliances trade in activities, and make benefits to consumers through energy-saving subsidies and other ways.

In terms of subsidies and preferential scale, Wang Qing, the chief macro analyst of Oriental Jincheng, believes that this policy has a wider coverage and greater strength by reference to the subsidy scale of similar policies in the past, and it is estimated that the central and local financial subsidies for trade in may reach the level of 100 billion yuan. In addition, financial institutions are introducing or upgrading relevant consumer loan varieties, and relevant manufacturers are also introducing a number of preferential promotional measures.

As for the follow-up effect, Wang Qing believes that, on the whole, with the implementation of the policy and the joint promotion of the upstream and downstream parties of the industrial chain, this round of trade in of old products in a wider range and more fields will boost the faster growth of residents' consumption, and the trillion yuan scale of consumer goods trade in market will provide a stronger impetus for consumption growth.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)